twenty three

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i've been staring out the window since we left the store. fantasia been tryna make me smile, but nothing's working.

"How you feeling right now?"


"You wanna eat?"

"I'm not hungry"

incoming call from *Katelyn*


"Hey babe"

"Babe? Who her babe is..." Fantasia whispered.

"Shit you still at home?"

"Yes, I been waiting for you"

"Ok give me about ten to twenty minutes or I can send you a Uber"

"I can order a Uber"

"No it's fine I'll do it"

"No I will. Don't argue me down, I'll do it"

"You sure?"

"Positive. Be there in thirty"


"nO iTs fInE iLl dO iT" fantasia said mocking me. "she better catch her own ride"

"She's helping me cook and her car broke down. That's the least I could do"

"You could've asked me to help you"

"You always busy"

"I never been too busy for you. I'm always here when you need me to be"

"I know, I know" i let out a deep sigh. "I love you"

"I love you way more"

"Do you really have to leave?"

"Not necessarily, but-"

"So stay here with me. I need you more than ever right now"


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although i was never leaving atlanta to plan what it is i have in mind. with how much time it'll take to finish planning we wouldn't be spending that much time together which is why i had to act as if i was leaving, but hearing her say that she needed me made me reconsider. i'll just have to be here with her and just plan as i go.

"I'll be here"

"I'm moving back in"

"Wait you serious?"

"No I'm joking. Of course I'm serious. I don't wanna do this living separately thing anymore"

"You sure that's what you wanna do?"

"Why wouldn't I be sure?"

"Don't get all defensive about it I'm just making sure because I know how you get"

"How's that"

"You get upset over one small thing and be ready to move out"

"I'm not like that nomore I don't think"

"You don't think? I don't know how to feel about that"

"Maybe I'm not ready. I don't know what I wanna do. I mean after all you did ask me to leave"

"You know why and we not gon bring that situation back up"

"I really think that's what really made me change. I felt like you couldn't trust me, on top of that my baby boy was dead when I got back and you just wouldn't stop being mad at me although I had been telling you the truth the whole time. Imagine going through that for months with someone you only wanted to love and be there for"

"I was wrong for the accusation, I was. I apologized, forgave you, and moved on from it. That toxicity is wasn't working for neither of us so why are we still this way after all these months and Sundays?!"

"Maybe this is a sign that we just ain't meant to be together in that way. It's been going on for too long and it hasn't altered"

"So what is it that you want?"

"It's not about what I want it's what we both need"

"What's that?"

"To let this go and just be good friends. The relationship part is not working for us. One minute we  doing fine and the next we separated"


"Fan— don't cry cause you gonna make me cry"

"I'm not crying"

"You are and it's okay to cry. This is not the end of us being together you know like hanging out and stuff just the relationship part of it. Hopefully on your side it doesn't affect our friendship because we still good over here on my side"

"We good over here. I respect the way you feel and I just— I just have to get used to it. Friends it is..."

i had no other words. she was right about most of it, but in all honesty i wasn't ready to let things go even though i had to.

"I love you"

"Do you?"

"Of course I do. This changes nothing"

"Well I love you too"

i made this chapter short for a reason.

but, how do y'all feel about these two brats being FRIENDS?

i feel like they'll get back together in the future so hold a minute.

slowly coming back : tarasia  Where stories live. Discover now