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i woke up from my wet dream, loved every fake bit of it.

i was upset that she wouldn't let me stay lastnight, but she's right.. i basically ruined my marriage for her and she's officially over me. the thing is, i'm not over her. the only way to get her is to get rid of whoever the bitch is she's so inlove with. i called a friend over, she's an retired cop and im sure she can help me find out who this lucky woman is.

"Get down to it"

"Well you know about... me and Tasia. We used to talk or whatever you wanna call it and now she's infatuated with someone else and I need to know who"

"And once I find out what's your plans?"

"Have a little chat maybe"

"Maybe? Gabby don't be stupid and do something that'll jeopardize your career and future. Why do you even wanna know who the person is when you have a husband"

"I had a husband. I don't wanna discuss him, can you help me or no?"

"I'll see what I can do"

"Thank you"

"Yeah whatever you just better hope I don't go down for this because yo ass is coming right with me"

"Anything for that woman"



"That better not be what I thi— did he put his hands on you?"

"No no no I fell"

"You can't even lie straight"

"Ok yes, but it was an accident"

"You a accident lie"

"Ok I didn't call you here to talk about this, just let it go please..."

"Ok fine. What am I looking for exactly?"

"The woman she's moved on with. I'm pretty sure she stops by Fantasia's house"

"So stalk her basically?"

"Not nece— well yes"

"And you can't do this, why?"

"I don't wanna risk getting caught"

"And you'd rather me get caught"

"Ang! You're good at this, I'm not. If you plan to bitch out then don't worry about it"

"I'm not bitching out you're just not making sense"

slowly coming back : tarasia  Where stories live. Discover now