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long chapter... :)


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it's been two weeks since my dad passed. i've been seeing myself and my mom all over the news and it's more so embarrassing for me because now everyone at school knows i'm the daughter of a football player and actress. most of the attention i'm receiving is cute and all, but i lowkey hate it.

"I don't wanna go back to that school"

"You have a week left and you're officially out. You can do it"

"I just wish dad was here to see me make it"

"I know baby, I know"

"I'm gonna go and lie down. I'm not feeling so good"

"Okay I'll be out here if you need me"

i called ELI back, he's been trying to call me for weeks and i haven't answered. i shut my phone off and just ignored everyone. everyone was trying to check up on me and see how i was holding up, but i wasn't in the mood to converse with anyone.

"Ayo you good?"


"The babies?"

"Fine, but Eli..."


"I have to tell you something. I know you're probably gonna get upset, but I'm gonna tell you anyway."

"Aight wassup?!"

"I'm not telling you over the phone. I need to tell you this face to face"

"Make sure yo mama ok with me scrolling through"

"Ok hold on... MOMMY!!!!"

"I could've did that"

"Boy hush"

"Hey, you okay???"

"I'm fine. Could Eli stop by? I need to tell him about ...."

"Oh yes. Tell him it's fine"

"Ima be there in a few"


"You ready for this?"

"No, not really, but I have to tell him so I can just get it out the way. Hopefully he understands and stays by my side through this, but if not I'm not gonna beg him to be there. At the end of the day, I did nothing wrong and I can say that confidently because he knows where my loyalty lies within him and our relationship, but whatever happens, happens"

"That's gonna be one hell of a burden lifted off of your shoulders. You handle these kind of situations so well and I love that about you."

"You and I both know that life is too short to be tryna beg anybody to be in our lives that don't wanna be there. I may be young, but mama I know my worth and I'm never gonna settle for anything less than what I deserve. Elijah's a great person, but I'm not gonna beg him to do anything that I see he's not interested in. I don't know how he's gonna react after hearing this, but I'm ready to take on the challenge"

slowly coming back : tarasia  Where stories live. Discover now