Chapter 1

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-10 years after Y/N joined the Midoriya family-

The scene pans to show the beautiful city as we see two pairs of legs, one running, while the other walking slowly.

The two soon stop as they see a huge villain wrecking everything around him.

The two boys were Izuku and Y/N Midoriya.

Izuku: That's a huge villain!

Y/N: Well, duh, but alright. Oop, here he comes.

A pro suddenly grabs a pole that the villain had just broken before it reached the civilians gathered up.

Civilian #1: Death arms! The punching hero who uses strength for justice!

Y/N: AAAAND, that's how you know you're a side character. You say dialogues to let the readers know about the guy in the spotlight.

Suddenly, a water stream gets in front of the civilians, as it takes the shape of a barrier.

Backdraft: Hey guys, this area is dangerous, so stay back.

Civilian #1: The rescue specialist, Backdraft has come to our rescue too!

Y/N: And he carries on as if nothing happened.

The civilians start to speak to themselves, as Y/N sees that Izuku was trying to get a glimpse of what was happening, but couldn't, because of the crowd.

He sighs and grabs him.

Izuku: Eh?

He puts Izuku on his shoulders.

Y/N: There.

A/N: So, I looked up Whitty's height on the internet, and I found out that the mf is 8+feet tall💀

All Might himself is 7'5-ish🗿

So, for the story, I've made Whitty 6'5, and 5'8 when he is slouching.

Izuku: Thank you, Y/N!

Suddenly a brown blur passes them, as girls start to scream.

Thots: *simping* Go Kamui!

The wood themed Pro hero jumps at the scene as he latches onto the villain with his quirk and lands upon a train cabin.

Izuku: Who's fighting? It's Kamui Woods! The young and talented rising star!

Y/N: Umm... Izu? You just answered your own question.

Another guy also points it out.

Guy: You ask and commentate perfectly. You're an otaku!

Y/N: *glaring* Is that a problem?

Guy: No. Not at all.

Y/N: *still glaring* Good. Thought so.

He starts to walk again.

Y/N: Izu. Let's go before that bimbo of a hero comes in.

Izuku: Huh?

Just as he said that, a massive, and I mean massive lady, towering over the buildings, jumps in and kicks the villain in the face, knocking him out.

Y/N: Great. There she is. -_-

The lady grabs the villain, as she strikes a pose.

Mt. Lady: My name is Mt. Lady. Happy to be of your ass-quaintance.

She winks, as Y/N groans in annoyance.

Civilians grab cameras as they start to take pictures.

Y/N: Go back to the strip club! You'll make more money that way, since that's all you care about!

Can't Escape my past (MHA x Whitty Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now