Chapter 17

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A/N: Hehe

Aizawa opens his eyes, but sees that he was on the ground, away from the bird villain boss.



Aizawa: No...

Izuku: Y/N!!!!

We see Y/N crushed under the bird villain's gigantic arm, as it grabs Y/N's head and lifts it up.

Blood poured down the boy's spherical head, as Y/N sees Izuku in distance, tears in his eyes as the green haired boy jumped out of the water and ran towards them.

Y/N: Izu... No... Stay back...!

The bird slams Y/N's head once again, as the boy's vision goes dark and he loses consciousness.








Y/N's eyes flutter open as he looks around and sees that he was in some sort of alleyway.

Y/N: The hell...? Where am I...?

He sees that his body was moving by itself as it rips a paper in two and the two ripped paper pieces fall and burn to ashes.

Suddenly a voice comes from beside him.

???: Beep.

Y/N?: Who...?

He turns around and sees someone of a short stature with what looked like a girl beside them.

The two were strangely distorted, as if something was preventing Y/N from seeing who the two people were.

???: Beep boop.

Y/N?: Oh, you two. Would both of you kindly leave me alone? I don't want anyone knowing I'm here.

???: Bip boop boop.

Y/N?: ... Listen. I ain't looking for trouble tonight. Just leave and all will be cool.

???: beepo bap skeboop.

Y/N: ...

The strange laugh from earlier comes again as everything goes to black.

Y/N's eyes open again as he sees that the Nomu had left him and Izuku was being held back by Tsu who used her tongue to keep Izuku away and the Nomu had now smashed Aizawa's head in the ground as blood dropped down the man's skull.

Y/N: No...! Mr... Aizawa...!

He tries to move, but couldn't.

He tries again, but couldn't.

Yet again...

And again...




Y/N still couldn't move.

??: Pathetic.

Y/N sees that he was once again in a black void.

??: Jeez, you're pathetic, Whitty.

Y/N: Who...? Who's there...?

??: You act all strong and mighty, as if you can save everyone. But in the end, all that you are, is a coward hiding behind a mask of bravery and boldness. Isn't that right? "Y/N Midoriya?"

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