Chapter 6

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And so, the 10 months of training for Y/N and Izuku began.

It would start with the two of them waking up at 5 am every day, then head to the beach and do their best to clean it as much as they could. Doing this required the two to use various muscles for every item. Thus, enhancing the body as a whole.

We see Y/N grab a small TV cabinet as he throws it in the air and sends a huge flame attack at it, destorying it.

He smirks at the falling pieces, when All Might pats a huge fridge, indicating Y/N to blow that up next.


The two were in the school currently, as we see Y/N sitting in his seat, half asleep, as he tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying.

We then see Izuku, also tired, as he starts to write in his notebook.

Izuku: I need to finish a week before the entrance exam, which leaves me with 294 days... with my muscle recovery in mind, I need a two day interval.

We see that the boy was now thinking out loud.

Izuku: Which means even if I train efficiently, I have 98 actual training days... It's five hours including morning and night, muttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermuttermutter...

Everyone except Y/N and Bakugo stares at Izuku, weirded out, as the teacher uses his quirk to detach his wrist from his arm, as it flies over to Izuku with two wire thingies extending and still keeping it joined to the arm and smacks Izuku in the head.

Teacher: Hey Midoriya. Have you gone nuts after encountering a villain?

The students chuckle.

Teacher: Are you really planning on going to UA like that?

Bakugo was looking away from Izuku when his eyes meet Y/N's. The two stare at each other, when Y/N pulls his tongue out and flips Bakugo off, to which, Bakugo replies by flipping Y/N off as well and looking straight ahead in annoyance.


We see Izuku trying to push a tire as Y/N tried to lift the fridge up, and Toshinori signaling the two to use their back more.


We see Y/N and Izuku running as Toshinori cheered them on.


We see Izuku holding a paper about a specified diet plan, as Y/N chows on a chicken leg and leaves the bones on the plate.


We see Y/N punching and kicking All Might as the latter was unfazed by the attacks.


We see Izuku studying in the night in front of his computer, as Y/N sat on the ground with a band wrapped around his head, as he tried to solve maths equations.


We see Y/N finally being able to lift the fridge up while yelling his heart out as Izuku and Toshinori clapped in awe.


We see Izuku and Y/N doing pushups with weights put on their backs, as they both grunted while sweating immensely as Y/N's sweat fell on the ground and sizzled like molten metal.


We see Izuku snoring while writing his exam papers, as Y/N was on a caffeine rush and was writing his paper at a high speed while the students looked at the two, weirded out. 


We see Y/N continuously strike All Might as the latter was actually forced to block the attacks now.

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