[7] y/n l/n

255 13 1

<July 22 2018, 8:45 am>

I watched Reina color the coloring book, my eyes were downcast as I relapsed what Ran had informed me about. Everything that he told me the other day was so confidential, to say the least. I was rather shocked that he'd go through such lengths and reveal an unknown past to me.

Yes, he is starting to remember whom I am, but yet again, everything had changed. It's not the same from all those years ago. His and my memories aren't the same anymore.

"Y/n," I heard Rans groggy voice call for me from the stairs.

I looked and there I saw him: disheveled hair, unbuttoned shirt, tired eyes and slumped figure. He was rubbing his lids before he glanced at me through the gaps between his fingers. "Let's talk,"


"I'm sorry,"

I was confused. What is he apologizing for? I don't remember him ever doing anything wrong towards me. I made my confusion evident, rendering him to clarify.

"For burdening you with what I said, and how I acted." He was avoiding my eyes as he spoke. I remembered what he admitted and I couldn't help but feel like he received the short end of the stick.

I shook my head, "There's no need to apologize, I'm just glad you were at least able to get away from it." I gave a soft smile, closing in on him, caressing his cheek with my hand.

Ran closed his eyes, allowing his tense body to soften before leaning against my touch. I watched him snuggle against my palm, like a little pup enjoying a person's warm touch.

"Alright, and thank you for listening to me..." His voice was low and soft, unlike the usual strong yet lax voice he would normally have.

The Ran I knew would never show anyone his weaknesses but the Ran I'm seeing right now definitely has a portion of his heart on his sleeve. Even then, I can sense a barrier protecting it.

I guess what happened between him and Akari before had left him build a barricade. I can't properly empathize with him, unfortunately.

I can only do so much for him.


"What?" My voice croaked.

I looked at Ran, my eyes twitching when he showed me a wedding dress that looked so extravagant and flamboyant. What irked me the most was the amount of gems that were sewn on the garment.

"Ran the dress is literally made out of gems! It's too much, I can't!" My cheap and poor self couldn't imagine being able to wear such an expensive and lavish gown. If I were to buy this myself, it would've costed me an arm and a leg.

I was on the verge of crying my eyes out when the man in front of me shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing is too extreme when it comes to you-"

"Ran," I buried my face in my hands, I'll try reasoning with him. "How many times do you expect me to wear such a lavish dress? If I'm only to just wear this on our wedding, wouldn't it be such a squander of money if I'm just going to use it once?"

I will admit, owning such a magnificent dress made out of jewels would cause any girl to drool over such beauty and ornate garment, but then again my cheap ass wouldn't allow it.

My eyes looked at Ran, a pleading look in them hoping that he'll rethink and be reasonable.

"Ran, love, I appreciate it and all but please don't waste too much money on something that'll be only used once or twice. I know you are wealthy and all due to your job but then again; money can disappear easily if you don't use it well." I fiddled with my fingers when he looked at be with an undiscernable look. I don't know if I went too far but I just couldn't allow him to waste so much on me.

"Alright," I looked at him, my eyes were blinking as he scrolled through his tablet more.


"You just agreed like that??"

"Yes? Why? Did you change your mind? I can go and contact them-"

"No need! Please look for something more simpler but still has a flare for elegance,"

He looked at me, I stared back.

Ran nodded.

I didn't think he'd comply that easily. I thought he'd press what he wanted but I need to keep reminding myself that he's mature enough to know when to save and when to squander.

"Here, it has everything you asked."

He handed me his tablet. My eyes couldn't help but sparkle when I saw the wedding dress. It wasn't too fancy, skimpy nor was it puffy. It was rather simple but elegant.

The gown itself was a fabulous pristine, beautiful embroidery coursed through the torso of the gown, little pearl ornaments hung gracefully on the sweetheart collar. White shawl, white evening gloves and an embroidered veil finished the dress elegantly.

"Mitsuya really made this?"

"You know Mitsuya?"

His One and Only Child || Ran Haitani Where stories live. Discover now