[8] y/n l/n

274 11 0

<July 25 2018, 8:15 am>

Currently, I'm standing in the doorway of the kitchen, the sleep floating away from my body as I stared at the sight in front of me.

Standing there was, of course, Ran. Simultaneously making breakfast, Reina watching him with quizzical eyes, and donning a pristine white dress shirt.

"When did you get up and wash yourself??" I was shocked, surprised, and disbelieved. 'I thought he was that hotdog pillow that I was cuddling...'

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you like the view?" His voice, my eyes irked when I saw the small grinning smirk on his lips as he waved the spatula, teasing and playful as always.

"If the man wasn't a teasing little idiot, then I might have liked it." I spouted out, walking towards him and taking Reina out of his grasps. "Morning, sweetie."

Reina gave out a cute smile, nuzzling her cheek against mine. In the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw Ran smile genuinely. Externally, I feigned ignorance but internally I can't help but feel happy and proud.

"By the way, we're meeting up with the boutique owner to have you sized for your gown." Ran placed a plate, steaming hot deliciousness graced me while a warm cup of tea found it's way beside the plate.

"What? I thought it was supposed to be yesterday?" I fed Reina a semi-cooled spoonful, wiping the sides of her mouth of the residual grease.

Ran sat next to me taking a bite, "Well just to remind you, the wedding is in the next few days." He wagged the spoon in front of me, as if he was waving his hand in front of me. "And normally, creating a customizable dress takes a while, so they'll need to rush and we can't do anything but to cooperate."

Ran explained, another spoonful in his mouth. I puffed my cheeks, slowly chewing. Diving into my thoughts, collecting them.

He was right. The wedding is on August 15th, not only that but we'll also be traveling outside of Tokyo for it. The preparations, guest lists, additional details, everything was rather rushed. And I can't help but feel slightly unsatisfied with how rushed it is.

"Whats with the face?" He tilted my face to meet his gaze. Lavender swirled around his irises as he stared back at me.

"It's nothing much," I pulled back, wiping off Reina's mouth before handing her a cup of water. Sitting the child down on the bar chairs, I took our plates and placed then in the dishwasher.

My back was turned towards Ran, my shoulders were as clear as day, slumped.

Light footsteps can be heard leaving, then coming back. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, my body melting against him, molding to shape his much more larger figure.

"Are you sure?"

"It's not like I'm taking this for granted, but I never wanted my ideal wedding would be rushed..."

His lips collided with my hair, his forehead leaning down and caressed my neck. The feeling of soft lips lingered on my shoulder.

"We can change the date,"

"Wouldn't that burn you out though?" I turned around, seriously looking into his eyes. "Ran, I know you've been taking care of most of the preparations, whether it's on my behalf or not. And I know how large of a sum you've already spent just on the venue alone."

My head flopped on his shoulder, one hand going to my cheek, the same tattoo that I've come to know like the back of my hand was still there.

"You never thought of removing the tattoo...?"

"Younger me would've said: 'Why would I? You drew it for me'. And I agree." His laughter was the same, obly difference was that it was an octave lower.


I remembered the day when he learned I draw. It was such a bother to hear him and Rindo nag me to draw them something and then have it tattooed. I was against it at first, but their nagging annoyed me to the point I just yielded.


<10:45 am>

"Mitsuya, sorry for the rush service but I'd like you to tailor my wives wedding dress..." His tone seemed sincere but the gaze that he was releasing told otherwise.

'I thought they're on good terms already...'


I stood infrot of the silver haired male, his eyes going between the both of us as if he wasn't believing what he was seeing.

I don't understand though. Takashi always sees me whenever I helped take care of Luna and Mana, during those times the brother, mainly Ran, tagged along.

So I don't understand the crunched brows, slight glare and questioning look that he had. Yes, I know he kicked Ran's ass, twice, back then but I never saw him as someone to hold a grudge.

"Y/n, you can go inside first and take the kid with you too, I'd like to speak with your husband for a bit..."

'Why do I have a feeling something that bad will happen...?'

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