[10-2] ran haitani

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<September 10 2006, 9:45 am>

"Here," He handed her the cool and sweet delicacy watching her drool at the sight of ice cream. He can't help but smile at how childish she looked right now. "You're acting like a kid,"

"Nothing wrong with that, right?" She retaliated, giving out a small giggle causing him to join.

His smile towards her was the best that he can give, yet he still can't fill in the hole that's made it's home in his heart.

Even if he kept thinking she was her, she can never replace her.

Akari. He found out from Izana that she's one of those girls that stalk him from the shadows. She looks the way she does, she dresses the way she does thinking that she can imitate her. But alas, she can't fool him. Nor can he fool himself.

"Ran," He glanced down, seeing her wrap her arm around his. Her ruby eyes reflecting from the sun, "Let's go to another ride."

She was obviously having fun right now and he was trying to match with the mood, trying not to sink it. But he just couldn't help it.

It was Sunday, where he was supposed to have her all to himself. Unfortunately she was busy and so he came to the amusement park alone, hoping to at least have fun himself. That was when he ran into her once again.

He wouldn't be surprised if she was keeping tabs on him on what he was planning, granted that does give a chill. He thought he'd at least entertain her for a bit, and himself. Unfortunately again, entertainment was only one sided.

Throughout the day, he seemed out of it, almost daydreaming. He was just following behind her, watching her every move. The smiles, the excitement, everything that he showed her was through the best of his capabilites but it wasn't enough.

She wasn't here, and he can't help to admit that deep down, he was hurt. Sad.


"Let's have a date again, Ran!" She was way over her head. Ran glared at her, grumbling when she didn't budge.

"That wasn't a date. I was supposed to be with someone else, though unfortunately they are busy." He hissed. He couldn't wait to get away from her, many times he's tried to leave her side but for some reason, he couldn't.

"Why do you keep saying that? Isn't it obviously one sided?"

He halted back turned unknown to the face that she was making.

"...If you don't want that ugly little face of yours bashed in, I suggest you shut it."

"But it's true right? If it wasn't, then shouldn't she be in my place rather than doing whatever she's doing? Who knows, she might be busy with someone else."

"...Who are you to say that...?"

'Don't listen to her. Your bike isn't that far from here, it's just a few feet away. Don't dawdle.'

"Isn't it obvious though? She's been keeping her distance from you. I'm even gonna bet that you two barely talk anymore." He can hear the almost teasing tone in her voice.

'Don't listen, Ran. Move your damned feet for fucks sake!'

"Ran look at me," She shifted his head, her eyes connecting with a pair of glaring lavenders. Beneath the hard glare that he was giving, he was wishing she couldn't see the way he was crumbling.

'Don't yield! Ignore her! Get away from her!'

How can he not? He was celalry aware that she was trying to manipulate him, force him away from her and yet he was limp.

"Forget about her. Start anew, with me. I promise you I'll give you what she couldn't." She smiled softly at him, her thumbs caressing his cheeks, evidently knowing that she was tearing him apart.


"What do you say? Maybe a small meet up after school tomorrow?" She took her hand away, interlocking her fingers behind her back.

Ran could only grimace at himself when he felt an emptying feeling once her palm left his cheek. He couldn't belive himself.

'Stay loyal to her...'

"...I'm not making any promises,"

"That's good enough for me,"

'Don't leave Y/n...'


<May 27 2013, 2:06 am>

"Was I really that broken, to the point I've tried to love an imitation...?"

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