[10] y/n l/n

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<July 31 2018, 8:00 am>

I am currently unpacking our luggage. My eyes moving towards the balcony, seeing the sunset hues color the horizon. The waves crashing against the sand looked so calming as the sun continued to set.

The flight from Tokyo to Okinawa didn't take that long to be fair, rather what caused us to be arrive late was the fact that Ran couldn't decide what to bring for our stay here.

It's not too long of a stay really, just one week for the wedding and the reception and then the rest is for us to relax. Enjoy the scenery, the delicacies, and the beaches Okinawa had to offer. It's my first time traveling so I'm sure I'll make the best of everything here.

"You need help unpacking?" Ran's voice was heard from behind me.

I glanced and saw him half naked, water droplets tracing his toned body, gray sweatpants hung loosely around his hips and just how the orange light hit his body perfectly. I can't help but purse my lips, and let my eyes trace.

"Love," He lifted my chin up, our eyes connecting, a sly smirk on his lips. "Honeymoon is arriving soon, then you can do whatever you want-" I clasped my hands across his mouth when I saw Reina run into the room.

"Papa, mama!" She ran towards us with open arms, behind her I could see my mother peek her head through the doorway, a cheeky smile on her lips. I shook my head slightly, embracing Reina in my arms. I can feel the warmth in her hug, her tiny hands tripping the fabric of my shirt.

I can't help but smile, the warmth surging through my veins as I hugged Reina.

"Mama, lesh go to the beech wi papa!" She giggled out, pointing giddy at the beach behind us.


"Weeeee!!" Reina ran across the cold sand. She had a huge smile with her arms parallel to the ground. The same blond locks that I've gone to love flew against the wind.

I couldn't help but smile lovingly at her childish behavior. The way she acted was almost the same as Ran when he was around her age. It was a very long time ago, but I can still remember, just barely, how Ran was when he was a kid.

"N/n! Look at the waves!!!" A small blond kid cheered, kicking the water towards the silent girl.


"Look at the fireworks!" He exclaimed, toothy grin with small holes.

"Let's play! N/n!" How is he so energetic when he loves to sleep?

I remember him always having such a radiant grin on his face, and so energetic despite being rather lax. I almost couldn't believe it was him when I saw how laid back he'd become.

"Haha…" I couldn't help the small laugh seep through my lips, my eyes glancing towards Ran who was keeping a close eye on Reina.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow, giving a confused smile.

"Just remembered something from the past that's all-" I felt a shiver run down my spine. The air around us seemed to suddenly turn cold.

I glanced over my shoulder, my smile ceasing when I saw a figure hastily walking away. 'Who…?'

I bit my lip, looking back at Ran. His eyes didn't hold the calm gaze that they had before. Rather, now they're worried. His lavender eyes were looking at me straight.

"What's wrong?" He inquired, his hand cupping mg cheek.

"It's…" I stalled, contemplating whether to tell him or not.

I shook my head, "It's nothing, I'm sorry." I decided to not tell him here, but rather somewhere more private.

"Reina!- Huh?"

There was someone crouching in front of Reina. Wearing black and hooded, I couldn't help the churning feeling in smh stomach when I saw Reina fidgeting on her feet.

"R-" I could get my sentence out. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Ran was no where near me rather he was by Reina. "Ran!"

I hurried. Ran had the person in a chokehold, his eyes were pointed. It was like he knew who the person was and he clearly has beef against them.

"I thought I killed you already," I heard him grit out, veins were bulging around his neck.

The person was clawing, hoping to calm Ran's grip but it seemed to only tighten around his neck.

"Y/n, get Reina and yourself back inside. I'll take care of this bastard…"


Hello, hello, I'm back. Sorry updates have been rather slow these past few weeks. TvT
I've just been busy with school and personal stuff, but here's an update!

I'll see if I can upload a chapter this upcoming week, and if I can't then I apologize. Time is something that I'm rather short on. TvT

- teddy halo

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