[9] ran haitani

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art: or_oigo on X (Twitter)


"Here I thought, you ran with your tail in between your legs the last time I saw you, but look right here." His voice was dark, his eyes glaring blades. "The mutt decided to show his face after his life support died,"

The dark haired man was sweating, suffocating from the harsh grip Ran has around his neck. His eyes have almost turned around, yet he resisted the urge to pass out.

Ran watched, indifferent. His grip tightening as he watched the poor man claw his wrist.

"R-ran... why so harsh?" His voice was cracking, light yet hoarse, trying hsi best to gulp in oxygen through his throat. Ran could feel anger boil deep in him, his teeth clenching as he stared down at the asphyxiating man.

"Don't call me like we were close, Mikasa. Or were you too delusional to think that we're pals just because you were Akari's lover?" He gritted out, refusing to let his anger get the best of him. He didn't want to feel any form of anger caused by the person who've made him and his family suffer. He's had his revenge against her, so there's no need to continue feeling resentful, angry and traumatized.

She's gone. And he has you. The person whom he wanted since the beginning. Yet why does he feel an ominous sensation now that he's laid eyes once again to Mikasa.

"A word of advise," Ran let go of the dark hair man, watching him cough out air that penetrated his lungs.


"Ack!-" Dark eyes connected with deadly lavender ones. A murderous aura surrounding Ran, his feet crushing the scarred hand.

"If you value your life, I say that you shouldn't have come close to my daughter...." Dark shadows clouded his face, glowing lavender was all that the paled man could see. "Ever again, nor anyone of my family. Got it?"

A grueling crunch was heard, a pained yell coming out of his lips, refusing to let tears flow from his eyes. With heavy reluctance, Mikasa nodded his head, too shocked from the sudden pain.

"Remember," A dark abyss greeted his eyes, the sound of a gun clicking echoed in his ears. "I won't be as kind and lenient the next time I see you again. It'll be a bullet that speak with you, not my hands."


"Ran..." He heard her soft and worried voice. His eyes glanced towards her, seeing their daughter soundlessly sleeping on the king-sized bed, snuggled next to her mother.

Y/n had a worried look, seeming to want to say something yet reluctant. He can guess why she looked reluctant to open her thoughts. Many questions were visibly wanting answers, he just didn't know where to start answering.

"I'm sorry about that, my dear..." He caressed her cheek kissing her lips briefly, eyes turning to the sleeping child next to her. Slender fingers pushing the hair out of her face to see her slumbering eyes. He couldn't help but feel a heavy weight being placed on his shoulders.

"That was Mikasa..." Ran paused to push down the lump forming in his throat. "...Akari's lover,"

From the corner of his eye, he could see the shocked look on her face then turning into an angered one. He did not understand. Why was she angry? She looked ready too burst before she started to calm down.

Back then, Ran would always wish to know what was ticking away in that pretty little mind of his wife. There were times where, he could barely understand her sudden mood swings. More so whenever it correlates to him.

"She... had a lover while married to you?" Her voice wasn't shocked, rather it was harsh. Livid. "How could she? Not only is she such a manipulator but she'd also betray you...?"

He blinked his eyes. Now he understood what always ran through her mind, why she'd suddenly have mood swings. He was blind not to try his chances once again with her.

But now, he didn't want to let it slip past his fingers. Not a chance, not in a million.

Ran gave her a smile, garnering a confused look from her. Without saying anything, he moved closer, his breath molding with hers. He can see the growing blush start to cover her cheeks, her lashes fluttering with how fast she's blinking.

Their eyes connected, not a single word was needed to explain what was going through their emotions.

The feeling of her soft lips against his was like a dream. He'd kiss her multiple times and he won't get tired. He's loved her for more than a decade now and he doubts he'll find someone like her.

"I love you..." He whispered against her lips, half-lidded.

"I love you too, Ran," The smile she gave him, he cherished those. It is a shame, she wasn't Regina's biological mother but he's happy enough to have her and give Reina the mother she truly deserved.


"I told you: a bullet shall be the one to speak to you if I see you again..."

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