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Another day at camp green lake meant another day of digging holes in the hot sun. In more exciting news, there was a new camper at camp green lake. Zero. He didn't talk at all though. He kept to himself. She didn't even know his actual name. All she knew was that he dug fast and he was the first one done with his whole almost everyday since he had been there.

The sun was beating down on all the campers, it always did but today it just felt worse.

"Let me tell you boy, we're burning up back here, man. This global warming." Zigzag said, shoveling dirt out of his hole.

"Hole in the ozone is directly above my head."

"The holes in your head."

The rest of the campers started laughing, then they looked at shark, who was laughing along with them. Almost like they were waiting for her to say something. Once she realized they were all looking at her she stoped laughing.

"What?" She questioned.

"No smart comment or fun fact about the earth or something?" Armpit question.

She thought for a moment. "I can't think of one..." she said. "Oh god is being here making me dumb?" She worried. The boys laughed at her then squid spoke.

"Don't worry I'm sure the genius is somewhere." He assured her. She smiled at him and went back to digging her hole. Just then armpit started yelling.

"Barfbag! What you doin?" He shouted.

Shark peaked up from her hole to see Barfbag heading towards a rattle snake with his shoe and sock off. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was gonna do.

"Come on man it's not that bad!" Another boy shouted. "Quite messin around."

"Barfbag knock it off!" She yelled at him. Her and Barfbag weren't even that close but she didn't wanna see him get bit by a snake and possibly die. But there pleading was no use. The rattlesnake took the bait and sunk his fangs into Barfbag.

Barfbag erupted into a shriek as he was bit, then groaning in pain as he hit the dirt ground. Once the snake was finished with him, it slithered off into and empty hole.

Shark hopped out of her hole along with the other boys. "Lewis!" Shark shouted as she ran over to him. His foot was bleeding profusely. She looked at his face, his mouth was starting to swell and it seemed like he was having trouble breathing.

"Someone go get Pendanski!" She shouted, crouching down to look at Lewis. One of the boys ran off to get him. She was so frazzled she couldn't remember who. "Come on Lewis, stay with me." She said, touching his face. She didn't know if that was the right thing to do, but she couldn't think straight at the moment. She just didn't wanna see her tent mate die in front of her.


The camp staff had called an ambulance, they soon collected Lewis and brought him to the nearest hospital. The campers were told to stay in there tents till further notice.

"Man you think he's dead?" Magnet asked the group.

"Please don't say that mag, I mean. He was kinda breathing. At least before the ambulance came." Shark told him. She didn't know why she was being so sensitive about the whole thing, the other boys seemed to be making jokes about it. She sat up in her cot and looked at Barfbags empty space.

"How long till they replace him you think?" X ray asked the group.

"Come on don't say that!" She exclaimed. "He's not dead or anything. In a couple of weeks I'm sure he'll be fine and back at camp." She told them, clutching her pillow to her chest.

"Yeah and when he comes back he's no longer Barfbag." X started. "He's rattle." He laughed. Causing the other boys to laugh.

Shark wanted to laugh with them, but she couldn't. She didn't wanna seem like a stick in the mud but something about witnessing Lewis do that, just hit close to home for her. But she knew if she thought about it too much, she'd start to spiral.

She turned away from the boys and laid in her cot, then put her pillow over her head. Trying to block out the rest of the world.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now