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Shark and zigzags quiet rest was interrupted by the dinner whistle being blown. As the two woke up, they found them selfs cuddled up in each others arms. Shark figured that they ended up that way as they slept. But she really wasn't complaining. Zigzag was just so warm.

"Come on zig, time for chow." She said, shaking him a little to get him up.

But zigzag did not wanna get up. In fact he pulled shark closer to him. "Come on just a few more minutes." He said in his sleepy voice.

She couldn't help but cuddle back into him. Shark felt safe in zigs arms, like nothing bad could happen to her when they were together. But she started to worry. The worry was that eventually this would end. Who knew what things were gonna be like after camp?

She decided to shake her self from all the negative thoughts and wiggle out of zigzags strong grip. "We gotta go or else everyone's gonna ask where we were." She said.

He groaned and got out of sharks cot with her. They put back on there boots and headed to the mess hall with each other.
Once they arrived they got in line to get there dinner.

"Hey why weren't you in the Rec room today? I had to play armpit in a game of pool." He said to her.

Shark had completely forgotten about her game of pool with squid that she promised him after she dug her hole.

"Oh crap I'm sorry squid. I dozed off right after I finished." She explained.

"Well tomorrow If your not there, I'm beating you with the stick." He joked. he then put her in a light head lock, ruffling her hair.

"Hey quit it!" She giggled, trying to break free from his grip.

Zigzag looked at the two. His eyes glaring at squid as he had his hands on shark. He didn't usually feel jealous when the two interacted but there was just something about this time that made his blood boil.

Once squid decided to let go, shark had fixed up her hair before turning back to zigzag.

"You good zig?" She asked him.

He nodded at her. "Yeah.." he said.

Shark hit his shoulder playfully before they moved up in the line.

Once squid got to where Mr sir was behind the counter, he said something he definitely shouldn't have said.

"What happened to your face?" Squid asked, looking at the bloody gash on his face.

Mr sir looked up at him, and roughly grabbed the collar of squids jumpsuit. "Something the matter with my face? Huh?"

" Mr sir." Squid quickly corrected, his voice shaking.

"You've got that right." He told him, shoving him down to the ground.

Squid didn't get up immediately, he just stayed on the ground well mr sir kept talking.

"Anyone see anything wrong with my face?" He asked the whole mess hall. "Huh?! I think I'm kinda purty don't you?"

"Yes mr sir." All the boys answered.

"Clean this up." He told squid before walking away.

Once he walked away shark quickly got down on the ground and crouched beside him. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" She asked him, taking his head in her hands and looking for any signs of bleeding.

"No, I'm fine shark." He told her, he looked really scared. It was the most scared she had ever seen squid in her whole time of being here at camp green lake.

"Here let me help you up." She said, grabbing both his hands and helping him to his feet. She then guided him over to d tents table. "Sit down. I'll go get your trey okay?" She told him.

As zigzag watched all of this, he felt that jealous feeling inside his stomach start again.


That night, well shark took her shower and squid stood guard, zigzag was watching from the tent. It wasn't in a weird Pervy way, it was just that he wished he could be the one talking to shark.

"Stare much?" Magnet asked zigzag as he came up to him. Pulling his focus away from shark.

"I'm not staring." He said, trying to defend himself.

"Looks like staring to me." Magnet said.

Zigzag didn't answer, he just kept watching shark as she talking to squid, him making her laugh every time he talked.

"Think they got something going on?" Zigzag asked.

"Beats me, but they always seem to be hanging out together." Magnet observed.

"Just wish I knew what they were talking about..." zigzag said, trying to read there lips to see what they were saying.

"Just tell her your feelings for her man." Magnet told him.

"What feelings? I just wanna know what's going on with her and squid." He lied.

"Yeah, right.." magnet rolled his eyes and went back to his cot.

Zigzag stayed in his spot, watching as the two talked, eventually sitting on the steps together and continuing the conversation.

Eventually he decided to call it a night, heading back to his cot, questioning his relationship with shark. 

Y'all I'm literally having so much anxiety rn and this book is the only way I can cope lolll

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