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Later that night, shark was taking her shower after all the boys had taken there's. She felt weird taking a shower when all the other boys were there. She always kept her bra and underwear on well she showered did but still, she didn't want them seeing her in such a vulnerable position.

She had gotten so paranoid about someone from another tent messing with her, she had made squid stand guard well she showered. He sat on the steps of the shower, chewed on his tooth pick and waited for her to be done.

As she was washing her hair, she started to think about what happened earlier today with Stanley and armpit. Come to think of it, her and zigzag did act like a couple. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, there was a connection there.

"Hey squid?" She asked.

"What's up?" He asked her, still not facing the shower to give her privacy.

"Do you think me and zigzag are dating?" She asked him.

"Gee, I don't know are you?" He questioned.

"No but like, from your perspective, does it look like we're dating?" She asked.

There was a pause before he answered. "Yeah, kinda does. But is that a bad thing?" He asked.

"I don't know..." she began. "I mean he's sweet, funny.." she paused. "Attractive.." she finished, saying the last part kinda quietly, but squid heard.

"Sounds like your in love.." squid teased.

"I am not!" She defended. "Besides he probably isn't into me."

"Yeah right, he just Carry's your shovel and gives you his lime jello at dinner because he's being 'nice'." He said, doing air quotes.

"For your information, he said he gives it to me because he hates lime jello." She corrected.

"That's funny because before you got here, he would devour that stuff." He told her.

"Your making that up." Shark said, rinsing her hair one last time before turning off the water.

Once squid heard the water turn off he grabbed her towel and handed it to her. "I'm telling the truth." He said. "He'd suck it right out of the cup."

Shark just rolled her eyes and dried off with her towel. Once she was dry she changed into her sleeping jumpsuit that squid handed to her.

The two headed back to the tent before shark stopped them. "You talk about this with zigzag, and I'll bite you well you sleeping." She threaten him.

"Oh I'm so scared." He said sarcastically.

"Think they put me in here for nothing? That cop is Gonna have those bite marks on his arm for the rest of his life." She told him. She wasn't sure if that was actually true, but she wanted to get her point across.

He shook his head and scoffed. "Just get in the tent before I rip your fangs out." He playfully threaten back at her.

She entered the tent, squid following behind her. "Evening boys." She greeted. They all gave her little waves and 'heys'

She went over to her cot and saw zigzag laying on it. "What are you on my cot for?" She asked him, wrapping her hair in the towel so it would dry quicker.

"I was keeping it warm well you were gone." He explained, he patted the spot next to him for her to sit down.

She was hesitant to lay next to him. Them essentially cuddling on her cot really wouldn't help the dating allegations, but on the other hand, it looked cozy. And she wouldn't mind snuggling up against a cute boy.

She put her stuff down and laid next to him on the cot. It was squished since the bed was two small for the both of them but zigzag didn't seem to mind.

Her towel covered head was rested on his arm that was laid out behind her. Once she was comfortable she looked at him. There bodies were very close, but zigzag didn't seem to mind.

"What made you wanna keep my cot warm?" She asked him.

"Uh, Though you might need it after that cold shower." He told her.

She didn't quite believe him when he gave her the explanation, but she didn't feel like pressing him about it.

She nodded. "Well thank you zig, my bed is much warmer now." She smiled at him.

He smiled at her.

"You better hope that mom doesn't come in here and catch you two." Squid warned them.

Zigzag spoke up. "Moms not coming in here. He's to busy applying sun screen to his nose."

This comment made shark chuckle, making zigzag smile. He always got this twinkle in his eye every-time he was able to make shark smile or laugh.

"So for the next drawing you do on my hand, could you draw one of the yellow spotted lizards?" He asked her.

She thought for a second. "Hmm, I can't promise you it'll be good but I can try." She promised him.

"You gotta remember to get every spot on its back." He told. "Exactly eleven."

"I promise I'll squeeze in every detail I can." She told him.

"Your the coolest shark." He said smiling.

"Maybe next time I can draw an actual shark on your hand." She suggested.

His eyes lit up at the idea. "Yeah, then I can have you wherever I go." He said.

That comment made sharks stomach flutter, butterflies some would say. She felt her cheeks heat up. "Yeah.." she said. "I think we should, um, head to bed." She said, still slightly flustered.

"Yeah, it's getting late." He said, getting comfortable again in his spot on her bed.

"I mean like, in our own cots." She told him.

His face dropped a little bit, slightly disappointed. But he agreed. "Yeah, probably better." He said. He got up and went back to his own cot. "Goodnight shark." He said.

"Night zig." She said. She scooted to the middle of the cot that was occupied by zigzag a couple seconds ago. It was still warm.

Once she had gotten comfortable she tried to fall asleep, But she couldn't help but feel like there was still an empty space next to her.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now