Forty - two

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It was finally dark outside and the only light seemed to come from the moon and the porch lights. The boys were playing a game a water basketball well shark and zigzag opted to take a break from the swimming and lay on a blanket, looking at a full sky of stars.

Sharks head was rested on zigzags arm that was laid out behind her, like how they would cuddle up in her cot, except they had much more room this time.

There was a question on sharks mind, but she didn't know how to approach asking him. When she gave him the letter when she left, she told him that he couldn't read it till he got home, and he hadn't said a word about it, not even on the phone.

"So, what have you been up to since you've been home?" Shark asked him.

"Seeing that counselor, trying to get back on my parent's good side. Been hard, still don't really trust me." He told her.

"They'll come around." She told him.

"Hope so, took a lot of convincing to let them let me come here." He said.

Shark just nodded. "So, you read anything interesting lately?" She asked, hoping that he understood what she was trying to ask.

"Like what? Book? Nah that's your thing." He told her.

She scoffed slightly, finally deciding to rip off the bandaid and ask him. "No ziggy, I mean..did you read my letter?" She asked him.

He nodded. "First thing I did when I got home."

"Well...?" She waited, searching his face for any sort of expression, good or bad.

He sat up, and so did she. "It made me think a lot about us." He admitted.

Sharks face dropped. "In a good or bad way?" She asked.

"Trust me, a good way." He assured her. "I missed you alot, like you were all I thought about for days after camp. I missed your facts, your laugh, the way you would eat lime jello like your life depended on it." He said, causing shark to giggle. "and I missed lookin at your facial expressions as you read." He said.

Shark was surprised to hear zigzag say all those things about her, and that those were her favorite things. What really got her was that he never once mentioned her appearance. He liked her inner beauty, not what was on the outside.

Shark didn't say anything, she just leaned forward and kissed him, not caring if the other boys saw. He kissed her back, his hand rested on her cheek as they let their lips move in sync.

Once shark pulled away, she looked into zigzags eyes. "I forgot how fun that was." She smiled.

"Oh I definitely haven't forgot." He smiled, planting another peck on her lips. He took a piece of her loose hair and placed it behind her ear, like he had done when they first kissed. "You know I thought the prettiest you ever looked was in the rain, but I think you in the moon light might be better." He told her. The bright moon perfectly high lighted all of her features.

Shark was glad zigzag couldn't see the blush on her face from his compliment. "You really know how to make a girl feel special." She said.

"You are special." He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Do you think it was destiny for us to meet at camp green lake?" She asked him, out of no where.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like, how it was practically destiny for Stanley to end up there and find his family's fortune. Do you think that it was like, written in the stars for us to find each other there." She explained.

"I can't imagine we would have crossed paths any other way, so yeah." He said. "Even If It meant digging holes everyday for months, I'm glad I got to meet you." He Said.

Shark smiled, kissing him once more. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you say the sweetest things without even knowing it sometimes." She told him.

"I try.." he smiled, kissing her again.

"Hey keep it PG over there!" X ray yelled at the two from the pool. They turned their heads to look at him, breaking there kiss.

"If you don't like it, don't look!"


It was nearing 10 o'clock and shark knew that her and squid should get going. She didn't wanna leave but she knew if they stayed any later there mother would have a fit over them being out past curfew.

"Tell your parents thank you against for hosting." She told Stanley as she hugged him goodbye.

"Will do, take care shark." He told her, pulling away from the hug.

She smiled as she finished her goodbyes to the boys, but she always saved zigzag for last. "Ziggy.." she pouted as he pulled her into a hug.

"Don't worry, I'll see you soon." He told her. "I still gotta take you on an official date you know?" He reminded her.

"I look forward to it." She said, pulling away and giving him one last kiss before she had to leave. All the boys fake gagged and made snarky remakes.

"Yall are just jealous that I'm the only one who walked out of camp with a girlfriend.." he jabbed at all the boys.

Sharks heart skipped a beat.


That was the first time she ever heard zigzag refer to her as his girlfriend and she couldn't contain her smile. But she didn't have too much time to bask in the feeling due to her and squid having to leave.

"Alight guys, we gotta get going. Keep in touch alright?" She yelled at them all as she walked away.

They all nodded their heads and waved goodbye to the pair as they made their way to the car. When shark got behind the drivers seat, she just sat there for a minute.

"Shark, you know we gotta turn on the car in order to drive right?" He told her, trying to snap her out of whatever it was she was in.

"You also heard ziggy call me his girlfriend right?" She asked, wanting to confirm that they both heard the same thing.

Squid nodded. "Yeah, I think everyone heard it."

"I'm zigzags girlfriend." She smiled, beaming with joy, she was almost glowing. "Can you believe that?"

"I mean it's been pretty obvious.." he said.

"I know but just hearing it, god I could hear him say that word forever.." she dreamed.

"Whatever you say mis zigzag."

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now