Forty - five

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"And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad
And that must be why
And I think you should come live with
me and we can be pirates
Then you won't have to cry."
-Taylor swift - seven

The morning after sharks date with zigzag, she woke up to see the photo she had taken the night before. She smiled and booped his face in the photo.
She still felt like she was on a high from last night, but to be fair, she felt that way everytime she hung out with zigzag.

Once she had gotten into some decent clothes that weren't her pjs, she decided to head downstairs for some breakfast.

"Morning squidy!" She chirped, walking passed squid at the breakfast table who was finishing up his bowl of cereal. She gave him a little pat on the head as she walked by.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning." He observed.

"Because I am." She told him, popping two pieces of toast in the toaster and grabbing some jam. "Me and zigzag had the best time last night." She said.

"Oh yeah, I feel asleep before you got home. How was It?" He asked.

"It was amazing, it was weird not having you guys there but I liked it. No offense to you guys." She said.

"Non taken." He shrugged off, continuing to eat his breakfast. Once sharks toast was done she lathered it up in strawberry jam and headed to the table to eat with squid.

"So, how was your Saturday night?" She asked him, taking a bite of the crunchy bread.

"Didn't do to much, jackass was on tv so I mostly watched that." He told her.

"How can you watch that? I swear I almost puked when that guy swallowed that goldfish." She said.

"Hey it was pretty impressive, you gotta admit that." He tried to convince her.

Shark just rolled her eyes and continued to eat. As she was eating she noticed two pieces of paper laying on the table. upon further inspection, she saw that they were applications for the home style diner.

"I see mom picked up some applications for us." She said, handing him one of the pieces of paper.

Squid studied the paper. "How am i supposed to know what my social security number is?" He asked.

"I'm sure your m-" shark stopped herself before she could say mom. "I mean, I'm sure the social worker could give it to you." She recovered. "But I think this could be fun. I mean, we'd get to car pool and we could earn some extra cash." She said, trying to make the mood a little lighter.

"Yeah.." squid said, his eyes still focused on all the paper. He got up from the table and put his bowl in the sink. "I'm gonna head up stairs, feeling kinda tired." He told her.

"Okay, well maybe we can fill these out together later." She suggested. But he didn't answer. He just moped on up to his room.


After a couple hours squid didn't come out of his room, shark began to worry. She decided to go check on him. She lightly knocked on his door. "Squid? Can I come in?" She asked softly.

But she didn't get an answer at first, so she knocked another time. "Squid come on, please let me in?" She asked another time.

She then heard a faint "come in." She opened the door and saw squid sitting on his bed, staring at the diner application.

"What's going on squid?" She asked, taking a seat next to him.

"I don't think I can do this.." he told her.

"Squid you don't have to work at the diner, I just thought it would be a fun thing for us to be able to work together." She told him.

"I'm not talking about the job shark." He admitted.

Shark furrowed her brows. "Then what are you talking about."

"I'm taking about staying here.." he said, not even wanting to look at her, he didn't wanna see the disappointment on her face.

"What? Squid come on your can't get cold feet now, the adoption is gonna be final next month!" She told him. She didn't want him backing out of the adoption now. He couldn't.

He was starting to get teary eyed. Shark immediately scooted closer to him and put an arm around him. "If you're having any doubts about us wanting you here, trust me, we do want you here. This is the happiest I've seen my mom in months."

"Really?" Squid questioned.

"Yeah, you make the house less lonely, and I think Dave likes having another guy here." She told him.

He looked at her. "What if your parents change their minds?"

"Squid do you really think they'd put in all this effort into adopting you if they were just gonna change their minds?" He explained. "My mom is already planning the party after your adoption is final." She then covered her mouth. "Oh crap I wasn't supposed to tell you that, sorry." She apologized, feeling bad about ruining the surprise.

He chuckled at her. "Actually I'm kinda glad you told me, I hate surprises so now I can al least be a little prepared."

"But you gotta act surprised though!" She told him.

"Will do." He told her.

Shark then pulled him close again. "It's gonna be okay, I promise." She told him. And shark never intended to break that promise. If she were to pick anyone to be her new brother, she'd pick squid in a heartbeat.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I've been having a bit of writers block. I have most of the story planned out but I'd love to hear from you guys what else you'd wanna see! So if you have any suggestions please feel free to give em to me.

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