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(Sharks outfit)

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(Sharks outfit)

"Are you feeling okay?" Shark asked squid as they stood in the lobby of the court house, waiting to go in and stand in front of the judge to finalize squid adoption.

"Yeah, I mean the last time I was in a court house I was being sentenced to camp green lake. This place doesn't exactly bring back good memories." He told her.

"Well, now you're being sentenced to the dalton family, so that's slightly better." She smiled. "Here let me fix your tie." She said, reaching up to adjust his tie. It was odd seeing squid so nicely dressed. If she had to guess this was the first time in his life he had worn something so nice.

"Don't make it to tight your gonna choke me." He complained.

"Sorry." She quickly apologized, taking her hands away.

They were then approached by Lottie. "Alright you two, the judge is ready! Come on!" She waved them over.

Shark turned to squid. "Alright, let's go." She said, grabbing his hand.

Squid gave a nervous nod, but shark gave his hand a tight squeeze. "It's gonna be okay, this is a happy court hearing I promise."


"By the power invested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronounce Dave Steven's and charlotte dalton, the guardians of Alan dalton." The judge finally announced.

Shark was grinning from ear to ear. Immediately reaching over and giving squid the biggest hug. She was holding back happy tears. She just couldn't believe that squid was now apart of her family. The person that guided her through those first weeks at camp green lake was now her brother.

The two adults joined in the hug, Lottie practically crying. She reached up and kissed Alan's cheek. "Welcome to the family baby." She said, tears still rolling done her face.

Squid still couldn't believe that he was actually apart of a family now, that he had two parents and a sister.

"I need some photos before we leave." Lottie insisted, picking up her camera. She asked someone to take a photo of all four of them.

And thus, the first official family photo was taken.


On the car ride back home, shark leaned over to squid. "Remember act surprised." She whispered. Even though she had spoiled the surprise of the party, there was still one little thing she had managed not to spoil.

Once the family had entered back into the house, squid was greeted with some of sharks other relatives and their parents friends.

"Welcome home!" They all said in sync, smiling. Squid did his best to ask surprised at all the people in the house, but who he wasn't expecting to see was all of d tent there.

Once he saw there faces he immediately lit up. "No way!" He said in disbelief, making his way over to them.

"Congratulations man." X ray said, giving him a hug. All the boys were hugging and congratulating him. Shark just stood back, letting squid have his moment with them all.

Squid turned to shark. "You didn't tell me they were comin!" He said, still in shock that she had gotten all them all to come to the party.

"Well I can keep some secrets." She said, giving him a nudge.

Zigzag came up to shark, giving her a kiss on the cheek before putting his arm around her. "She's pretty good isn't she?" He said.

"I try.." she smiled. He leaned down and gave her a kiss.

"Hey zig, you better watch it now. That's my baby sister. You hurt her, I'll get zero to hit you with a shovel." He threaten. Even though shark was only 3 months younger than squid, he still insisted that she was his baby sister.

Zigzag didn't feel at all threaten by squid. Mostly because he would never do anything to hurt shark. "You don't gotta worry about that squid." Zigzag told him.

Shark looked up at zigzags face and just admired his side profile for a moment. Out of all the things that could have happened at camp green lake, she would have never expected to walk out of there having a boyfriend and a brother.

"Hey shark where's franny?" Magnet went up to her and asked. Of course that would be the first thing he asked her about.

"She might be hidin. but the minute I see her, I promise I'll bring her over to you." She told him.

"Than You better check his pockets before he leaves.." squid told her, causing the boys to laugh.

"I don't think he's gonna be able to fit franny in his pocket, especially now because someone-" she glanced over at squid. "Keeps feeding her too many treats." She said.

"Hey it's not my fault she keeps meowing at me until I give her more." He defended.

"Yeah but then you're teaching her that if she keeps meowing at you, she's gonna get what she wants." She told him.

"You sound like such a mom right now." Squid teased.

"Yeah duh I'm literally frannys mom." She said. "She's literally my baby."

"And I'm the one who's spoiling her." Squid I rolled his eyes, but then Lottie came up to the group of teens.

"Alright kids, there sandwich's and refreshments in the kitchen, help yourselfs!" She told them. All the boys quickly headed to the kitchen to grab their share of whatever snacks and treats were put out, but shark stayed for a moment.

"I forgot how much teenage boys can eat.." she remarked to herself before joining them in the kitchen.

Did celebrate Easter by putting bunny ears on my cat? Yes I did

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