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"I ready to throw in the towel." Shark said, leaning against the dirt wall the campers had created from digging.

"Come on shark, at least pretend to do something.." squid told her, poking her shoe with his shovel.

"I can't tell if we're doing more of less work, it feels like more." She assessed. Once she heard the wardens booming voice coming through the tunnels they had created, she took that as a sign to start working again.


Shark has been assigned to work with magnet on another side of the tunnel, leaving zigzag and squid with each other.

"So you really read sharks file?" Zigzag asked squid.

"Yeah..why?" Squid questioned.

"Anything else in there besides her grades and stuff?" He asked, shoveling out more dirt so they wouldn't be yelled at by mr sir for slacking off.

"Man you think I'm gonna tell you what I read? If you wanna know, ask shark yourself." He said.


After the long day of digging, shark was sitting on her cot drawing on a piece of paper. She really didn't have the energy to go play pool, she didn't think she could even lift up the stick.

She found her self drawing people, and that person became zigzag. She made sure to draw his long neck, his eyes, his hair that stuck out in every place.

She then found herself drawing little hearts around him. But then stopped.

'What the hell am I doing?' She thought to herself. She quickly put the paper away under her pillow next to her book.

She was glad she put it away quickly because just then zigzag came into the tent. If he had seen her drawing, he would have some questions that she wouldn't exactly be able to answer.

"Hey zig." She said, acting like she was just lounging around.

"Hey shark." He said, putting his canteen down and plopping next to her on the cot. "Whatcha up to?" He asked her.

"Trying to recover from a day of digging essentially digging a swimming pool." She said. "What the hell are we even looking for any way? What could possibly be buried down there that's so important?" She asked.

"Beats me." He shrugged. He then looked at sharks face. "Your not wearing a bandaid today." He noticed.

"I don't think I really need to wear one anymore. I think it's healed. Also I looked totally stupid with that bandaid on my face." She said.

Zigzag reached up and brought his finger to sharks face, tracing the scar that had been left there. His soft finger tips touching her cheek sent a shiver down her spine.

"Yeah, healed up nice." He said, his fingers still tracing the line on her face. "I still say it makes you look tough. When you get home no one's gonna wanna mess with you."

"And if they do, I got my teeth waiting for em."


The next morning started with mr sir telling all the campers that there character building skills would be best achieved if they went back to digging individual holes.

Shark was almost relived. At least she knew now that once she had completed her hole, the day was really over.

She was still extremely tired though, she was practically dragging her feet as she walked that morning. And zigzag took notice of this.

With two shovels in his hand, he came up to shark. "Wanna ride?" He asked her.

She raised an eyebrow. "On what exactly?" She questioned.

"My back, I could give you a piggyback ride to where we dig our holes. Come on." He said, turning around so she could hope on.

She compiled. She was tired and didn't wanna walk. And she also couldn't complain about spending the quality time with zigzag.

She hoped on his back, his arms catching her legs in the process. "Sure you can hold me and two shovels?" She asked him.

"Trust me, I got all three of you." He assured her. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck and the group made there way to there holes.

"Damn she really is like a princess, getting carried everywhere." Magnet quipped, walking beside the two.

Shark gave him a glare. "Well at least my feet aren't gonna be tried by the time I'm digging my hole."

Hey y'all! Sorry for the shorter chapter but I would absolutely LOVE some feed back on this book. I wanna know how you feel about shark as a character and her dynamics with the rest of the boys! I'll probably end up updating later tonight when I get back from work...if I'm not totally exhausted.

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Where stories live. Discover now