Forty - four

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As the two approached the car, zigzag jogged in front of shark to open the drivers side door for her, but the car door was locked. so his plan to be all gentleman like really didn't go as planned.

"I think it would maybe help if i did this." She chuckled, clicking the keys and unlocking the car.

"I knew that.." he played off, opening the door for her and letting her get inside.

Once zigzag was in the passengers seat, she leaned over and kissed him. "I'm so glad we could do this." She smiled.

"Me too, it's gonna be nice to hang out without the boys interrupting us." He said.

"Totally, I love em but we need our space."  She agreed before starting the car and heading off to there destination.


The car ride to the ice cream shop was short, considering it was about 5 minutes away.
Once the two had gotten their ice cream, they decided to walk around a bit well enjoying their treat. Shark had gotten strawberry swirl and zigzag had decided on just plan chocolate.

"You know, this is so much better than any sort of jello they could have served us at camp." Shark said, taking another spoon full of ice cream. "Here, try." She told him, getting a nice scoop of ice cream out of her cup and holding the spoon out for him.

He tried the ice cream that she was spoon feeding him and nodded. "Yup, that definitely is better than jello." He said.

Once there ice cream was finished, they decided to sit down on a near by bench. As soon as they were sat, zigzag put his arm around shark.

"Still feels weird hanging out in a place that's not camp." Shark said as they walked down the street together. "Like we practically lived together for months and now, it's weird not waking up and seeing your face." She told him.

"You know when you came to camp, I started sleeping on my left side and not my right, so Then your face was the first thing I saw when I woke up." He confessed.

"Aw zig!" She smiled. "I wish we could still do that." She said.

"Yeah.." zigzag frowned. But then an idea popped in to sharks head.

"Maybe we can.." she said. Zigzag gave her a puzzled look. "Hold on." She said. she started to dig around in her tot bag for something. "Got it!" She said happily as she pulled out a Polaroid camera.

"I'm confused, how does this solve anything?" Zigzags asked.

"I can take a photo of you, and you can take a photo of me. And we can put them on our night stands so we'll see each other first thing in the morning." She explained.

"Oh sharky you really are a genius." He praised her.

Shark giggled. "Here let me take a photo of you." She said, pointing the camera at him. "Smile pretty!" She told him, causing him to chuckle. She clicked the camera at him and waited for the photo to develop.

She then handed the camera to zigzag. "Just press that button right here." She directed him, showing him how to take a photo.

"Okay, look at me." He instructed her, she smiled at the camera as he snapped the photo.

Once the photo printed out she clapped her hands. "Yay! Now we both have photos of each other."

She handed zigzag his photo as it was still developing and she took hers and watched it develop. Once the picture was finally done she awed at the photo.

"Ziggy you look so cute here." She gushed, causing him to go red in the face.

"Mm I think the girl behind the camera is cuter." He told her, leaning in for a kiss on her cheek.


Once the night had ended, shark had to drop ziggy off at the bus station so he could get home, she would have driven him but it was late and the drive to his house was a bit too long.

"Alright ziggy, get home safe and call me when you get there." She said, hugging him goodbye.

"I'll be safe sharky, I promise." He said.

"Good, I need you in one piece." She said. "Alright, I gotta get going. Bye ziggy."

"Bye shark." He said, leaving in for a goodbye kiss. He lingered a little bit longer than he intended to, because just then the bus pulled up. "I'll talk to you later okay?" He told her, letting go of her hand and heading on to the bus.

Shark nodded, blowing him a kiss as he boarded.

He then caught her kiss and put it in his pocket for safe keeping.

Question, do yall like the meme section of the book? Bc I'm probably gonna make some memes tonight and add to it!
Also long distance zigzag and shark is getting me all sad bc it reminds me of me and my boyfriend🥺

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