How it all started

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Running through the woods in my wolf form, trying to reach the pack house as soon as possible. I could hear screams and children's cry ringing in my ears fueling me to run faster.

"Violet it's too late..., they are all dead.... Oh god they are all dead" Sam mind linked me.

No.. no they can't be dead nooo, I kept running until I reached the pack house, upon reaching it the smell of smoke hit me, I merged from the trees but what I saw made me stop dead in my tracks.

Sam was right, no one could have survived that not even my parents, before I know it I was howling from the pain I was feeling , only to be joined by several howls of pain from other pack members whom wasn't in the pack house when it happened, than came in a strong howl that made the ground shook, it was Xavier and that means only one thing that his father was killed.. Our alpha was dead.

"All of you shift and meet me in the training ground in 5" Xavier mind-linked us all.

So that what we all did, I shifted and went to the training ground. Sam was quietly sobbing while Xavier stood beside her, with his eyes cold and distant but he held her hand in a comfort matter, she was the only family he has left after all.

He glanced my way and I saw his eyes soften a little or maybe I was imagining it before it turned cold again.

"As all of you now know, the Alpha and Luna were killed tonight by the vampire coffin and that will not go unanswered but for now we build and regroup. From this moment, I will take the Alpha position, while Jacob and Alex while take the position of my beta and gemma.  if anyone want to object now it's your time" he looked at us all, but no one dared to object.

We all bowed down to him, showing our necks in submission.

"Good now we build and regroup, then we strike" he said eyes flashing before dismissing all of us.

Sam walked to me before she started sobbing in my arms while I did the same.

"Violet" Xavier said from beside us, making Sam and I pull away from each other's.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, his eyes softened and before I know it, he pulled me in his embrace and by just that I felt safe.

"You will come and leave with us for the time being' he said kindly.

This was the night that changed all of us whether for the better or the worse. 

Hello, I am violet star, 15 years old werewolf from the blood moon pack and this is my story. 

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