Chapter 8 - First real challenge

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I let out a breath I did not know I was holding before I felt Sam and George beside me.

"Hey are you okay?" Sam said worriedly.

"Yes" I said turned to check on George's wounds. "I am really sorry are you okay?" I told him.

"Nothing I can't handle cupcake" he reassured me.

After that we ate in silence in the kitchen with no trace of Xavier anymore, he locked himself in his office until it was time for us to leave. We got in George's car then he went and dropped be at the training grounds where I will meet Alex.

"Good luck cupcake" he said before driving away.

I walked towards the training grounds to be met with Alex and Ellie.

"Are you ready?" he said.

"Yes" I said determined I wasn't doing this for only Xavier but also for myself as I never got a proper training since I lost my parents at an early age, and it was common for the parents to train you until you join the warriors and have a more professional training.

"We will work in a parallel way which is improving your fitness while also learning the basic fighting technics" Alex said.

With that we began training for three hours and what I like that Alex did not go slow on me and that what I just needed so I can improve quickly.

"Good Job Violet" he said upon finishing our training session.

"Really ??" I said out of breath.

"Yes keep training and you will improve in no time," he said

I continued to talk to him and Ellie for some time until it was time for me to go to take a shower before going to the restaurant. So I went to my apartment took a shower than walked to the restaurant to begin my shift.

I greeted Sally than put on my uniform and began taking orders. Throughout my shift, I found a guy entering and sitting alone in the corner.

"Hey Sally, who is this guy?" I asked.

"His name is Carlos he is a regular customer, but he always sits by himself in the corner" she said.

So, I decided to go take his order, "Hello sir what may I get you" I asked.

"you are new here" he said looking at me.

"ugh yes I have been working here for less than a week now" I said smiling. "My name is Violet," I said

"Carlos" he said shaking my hands.

"Soooo do you like me to get you something?" I asked again

"Yes a cup of coffee" he said

I nodded and went to get his coffee before giving it to him and went to serve other customers.

"Violet" I heard someone call my name I looked back to find Carlos standing behind me.

"How may I help you?" I asked kindly

"Nah I am good I was just leaving just thought to say goodbye before going"

"ohh it was night meeting you" I smiled and with that he walks out of the door while I continued with my shift until it was time to go home.

For weeks it was the same routine going to school than training with Alex before going to my job the only thing that changed that now I rarely see Xavier even when I go to Sam's house. Sam tells me that he is working himself too hard to avenge our pack that somedays he won't even remember to eat. i also became closer to Carlos, you can say we became friends in the past weeks.

Right now, me and Alex where training, I finished all the basic fighting and now we are fighting in wolf form phase and let me tell you I am whipping his ass.

"Woah I taught you so much that you are starting to beat me" Alex mind linked me.

I was just about to answer him when we heard a howl in a distant, "there is two vampires in our territory near the forest proceed with cautious everyone" Xavier's voice said in my head.

I looked at Alex we were the closer ones, "i am closer and I have backup I will go" Alex said than he looked at me, "let's put your training into use" he said before running trying to catch their smell with me behind him.

"Violet there they are" he mind-linked me, I looked at where he was looking to find the two vampires with a little boy from our pack.

"Alex we need to be careful, or the boy might get hurt," I said worriedly.

I looked back at them they were about to bite his neck, so I merged from the trees turning to my human form.

"Leave the boy" I hissed.

"What the fuck are you doing" Alex hissed in my mind.

"Just attack on my cue" I mind-linked him.

"Ohh what do we have here" Vampire 1 said.

"Now we have a boy and a girl to threaten them with, catch her" Vampire 2 said.

I began fighting with Vampire 1 while Alex jumped on Vampire 2 fighting away from the young boy, I mind-linked him to run as fast as he can and this is what he did, the Vampire who I was fighting saw him running and went to run after him, but I caught him and tossed him across the tree.

He angry looked at me before jumping on my scratching one of my arms and banged my head in the ground, my head began ringing but I was not about to give up and getting killed on my first fight. I tossed him away catching him off guard than I disappeared he turned around looking for me that is when I jumped off the tree on his back twisting his head.

He fell on the ground with a thud; I look at Alex who ripped the other vampire to shreds and turned in his human form as well, when he saw what I did to the vampire, he smiled and nodded my way.

Suddenly I heard a sound I turned my head getting ready to fight again when I saw Xavier and other pack warriors merging through the tree.

He shifted in human form, "What happened here" he asked looking at the two Vampires.

"Well you were late for the party" Alex said laughing. Xavier looked at Alex than his eyes turned to me checking if I was okay his eyes stopping at my arm who the vampire scratched.

But I was interrupted by someone running at me and hugging me, I looked down to find it was the boy I just saved.

"Thank you so much for saving me" he said hugging my legs.

"No worries little man, I am glad you are okay" I said hugging him back.

"My name is Sean and you" the little boy said

"I am violet" i said smiling at him before bidding him goodbye. 

"I didn't kill the vampire so you can interrogate him if you want," I told Xavier before leaving to my house to clean the blood from my arm and clothes before going to my Job. 

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