Chapter 7 - Bipolar

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Next day, I went to my school and attended all classes until it was time to go. Upon exiting the school, I found George, Sam and Alex standing in the parking lot, so I walked towards them.

"Hey guys" I said.

"About time" Sam said.

"You were waiting for me?" I asked confused.

"Yes, our plan of you getting back your mate starts now," she said.

"What? But I have a job to get too" I said.

"Well, we still have 3 hours until then" Sam responded.

With that we drove to my house to talk about this ridiculous plan that Sam thinks it will be enough to change Xavier's mind.

"So, look at first we should change how you look, don't get me wrong you look beautiful, but we need you to look hot," Sam said.

"Also, I will be in charge of your training, you should be able to hold yourself if there is any threat" Alex said.

"My role will be simple he already hates me around you so I will make him hate me more by sticking around you" George said grinning.

I looked at them and tried to smile thankfully, but I could not give them a genuine smile as much as I tried.

"Hey what's wrong?" Sam said worriedly.

"Nothing it's just I never thought that I would have to change myself and try too hard to make my mate look at me," I said sadly.

"Don't think of it like that, you are not changing you are improving yourself. There is a battle coming up so it will be better if you know how to defend yourself and others when the time come. Also, I will rather see you as my Luna than Jenna" Alex said.

I was still not convinced but what do I have to lose. I started listening to them as we form the plan and training schedules.

"So V, tomorrow I will wait for you and George at my house than after that we begin, you're training with Alex before going to your Job" Sam said clapping her hands.

After that, we said our goodbyes than I went to the restaurant and started taking orders from our customers and giving it to the chief until it was the end of my shift, I said bye to Sally than went home and slept because tomorrow will be a long day.

Next day, I went to school dreading what will come after school, do not get me wrong I missed Xavier so much, but I was scared to see the same look of rejection again in his eyes. Today I wore something which is not me at all, I wore a crop top with short jeans, but I couldn't just go like this I wore a cardigan on top to cover myself, many people in school wear like this even Sam but I was always self-conscious of my body.

"Well well look how hot are you, fake girlfriend," George said winking.

I turned around to find George and Sam walking towards me.

"You better lose the cardigan when we get home. You look like my grandma," Sam said teasing me.

I poked my tongue at her than we went to our classes until it was time for us to get on with our plan, Sam went home first than we were supposed to follow her.

"Are you ready?" George said while driving to the house.

"Yeah" I said fidgeting with my fingers.

He reached out and held out my hands, "Hey we will do this together don't worry," he said reassuring me.

I smiled at him I was lucky to have such friends in my life. We arrived at Sam's house and parked there. Here goes nothing I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what might happen there.

I rang the doorbell; Sam opened the door before leading us to the kitchen, George and I sat on the chairs of the kitchen aisle.

"I said lose the cardigan," Sam quietly shouted. So, I took it off and tried to hide my stomach, but George held my hands.

"Hey, you look beautiful love," he said kindly rubbing my hands.

All of a sudden, I hear a thundering growl that I almost jumped out of my chair at how strong the growl was; I looked back at where the sound came from, to find Xavier standing behind us fuming and his eyes were bitch black fixed at George like he was his pry.

All of a sudden, he started advancing towards us well more like George.

"Xavier!" I shouted his name as he slammed George against the wall and started punching him.

"Xavier, I swear if you don't stop, I will never talk to you again" I screamed the first thing that came to my mind to save George from Xavier but immediately discovered what I said was a big mistake.

"Leave us," Xavier said to Sam and George, they looked at me for approval in which I just nodded.

"So, you won't talk to me for this pup, so you really moved on" he chuckled darkly.

"Isn't that what you wanted me to do," I said.

"Is he good to you" he said blankly.

"He is kind and sweat, I might as well have him as a mate after you mate with Jenna," I said.

His eyes snapped at me, "Say that again I dare you" he growled lowly.

I did not mean any of this, but I was bent to prove that I am not gonna wait for him or will dwell on my sadness all my life while he lives his life.

"I might make him my mate Xavier," I said looking him in the eyes challenging him.

All of sudden I was against the wall, "you are mine," he roared.

I pushed him away, "you can't have everything Xavier" I said making my way towards the door before was pulled back. I looked at him questionably while he kept looking at me, I could see a mix of hurt, lost and jealousy in them.

"I have to go" I said quietly after a while. 

He nodded before taking off his jacket and putting around me, I gave him a questionable look, "you look good way good, so just please for the piece of my mind don't go wondering in the streets like this" he said before going into his office and closing the door. 

I swear this guy is bipolar or something the change of attitude is crazy.

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