Chapter 11

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After we were done discussing the potential threats at Carlos's house, he dropped me at my house before I went to sleep locking my bedroom door as if it will keep whoever is after me out.

The next day, I went to school and took an early shift, as Carlos will come pick me up so we can go to Xavier and try to convince him to join forces with the slayers, I know it will be a lost cause but as Carlos say we have to at least try.

The day went by until it was the end of my shift, I changed back into my normal clothes before getting into Carlos's car.

"Hey V, how are you today" he asked.

"Good thanks" I said playing with my fingers, I was nervous, and Carlos must have noticed.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I just can't shake out what he said last night, and I really don't look forward to seeing him" I said honestly.

"Look I know this is not my place but you are a wonderful and strong person so any man would be lucky to have you, so if he doesn't realize that it's his loss" he said, I was really struck by the way he thinks of me, and it somehow gave me some confidence.

We arrived at the house, before we were met by Sam who opened the door and led us to Xavier's office.

I knocked on the door before entering to be faced with Xavier, "Hey" I said.

He didn't reply bet kept looking at me with no expression. Luckily, Carlos began to talk before I die from his eyes.

"Alpha thanks for meeting with me, as V might have told you I am a vampire slayer and we have been hunting vamps for years me and my family but now we are up against a very powerful coffin that we need to help each other's if we want to win" Carlos said.

"Why would I help you as far as I know I didn't get any threats and even if I did my pack is strong, we can take them without you" Xavier replied.

"ohh believe me you are in it because they put a greenlight on Violet's head or are you gonna leave her to be killed because I sure am wont" Carlos said which made Xavier get angry.

"Listen I know how to protect my mate and sure as hell I won't leave her to die" Xavier said getting angry.

"Okay guys please calm down, Alpha Xavier with all due respect you have the muscles, but the slayers have the intel so you both need each other you don't have to give us your decision now, think about it but not for long" I told Xavier.

"I will think about it" he said turning his attention to me.

"Okay fair enough now we will leave and wait for you decision Alpha" Carlos said.

"Violet, I need you for a sec before you leave" Xavier said which made me gulp, Carlos looked at me for confirmation for which I nodded that it was okay to wait outside.

After Carlos left the room I turned to Xavier with questioning eye, "so you are with him now and I am Alpha Xavier," he stated stepping closer to me.

I kept quiet looking at him and I swear I stopped breathing when he came even closer that our bodies were almost touching.

"Talk to me mate," he said his breath hitting my face, which made me almost, moan.

"Xavier" I said softly looking at him which made him growl before I felt his lips on mine kissing me like it was the end of the world, this time I did moan in the kiss. I do not know how long we have been kissing but we jumped apart when his phone started ringing.

He looked at me and before he can say that it was a mistake or hurt me with his words. I bolted out of the door quickly. 

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