Thats what friends are for.

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I hid behind a tree watching him shovel dirt and softly smile. He looked like he was trapped. I dont know why but he just looks stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to know about his story, how did he end up with the feds? Was he born into working for them? Did he actually want to be there?

Just as i was dreaming he looked up and noticed me. SHIT. Now i look like some sort of fucking weirdass stalker. His blue shiny jacket almost blinded me but not quite. He tilted his head at me, slightly confused.

I breathe in and out and make my way over. He smiles widely. I can feel my heart thumping out my chest. My hands get a little sweaty and i brush them on the side of my shorts. Dont fuck this up Toby

I stop infront of him and he smiled sweetly, im sure he could tell i was nervous. But he looked as equally as nervous as i was.

" urm Tubbo. Whats your name?" I say and he looks up a little confused. Was i speaking the wrong language? maybe he didnt understand me?.

Should i just walk away?

"Hi tubbo, I urm... dont have a name..." He says and i get a bit shock. No name?. Now thats crazy. I knew the feds disregarded their employees... But that much?. I felt really bad for him.

"urm well...How about i'll call ya Fred!" i say and he smile's brightly, and nod's happily. Hes really cute. Maybe i could teach him about a normal life. The fed's obviously dont have a great life they dont even have names...

"I actually know a lot about you." Fred says getting slightly red. Intresting. His cheeks were tainted with redness and made my smile even wider. He looks down a little at his shoes. Obviously awkward.

"Your the trouble maker" he giggles "Everyone knows you in our office as trouble maker Tubbo." he says and that makes me laugh. I break a lot of laws. Like a little toooo many. Ive burnt down some houses, almost killed multipe people and im sure ive killed a fed worker for trying to take Sunny.

"Thats me i guess! Well i can tell your not any trouble at all" i say smiling and he nod's. He continue's to look down at his shoes which makes me realise he's probs never talked anyone outside of the fed department. It's kinda sad really. Poor boy.

"I try to stay out of trouble when i it's fun though." he grins as if he's wanted to rebel before. Which makes me smile wider. He's got some sort of rebel in him i can just see it.

"It's a lot of fun, you can kinda just shout fuck you world and do whatever you want...kinda cool really." I say and he nod's still smiling. He lifts his head now looking at me. I dont think he looked at me properly before because his eyes shoot open. He gets a bit red and i smile at him warmly, trying to make him feel more comfy.

"Sorry urm...your really cute..." He says struggling to find the right words to say to me. He blushes really badly and i giggle a little. He puts his face in his hands making his red face worse. Im still laughing and he's laughing with his hands over his mouth so its slightly muffled.

"well Fred, I think me and you would make a pretty good team plus your really cute...Wanna be friends?" I say hopeful for a yes answer. He takes his head out of his hands and looks up confused. Oh Ive blown it.

"Whats a friend?" He says confused.


"A friend is someone you can trust and hang out with. Someone who gets you and you get them. wanna hang out right now?" My mouth curls into a smile as i watch him light up.

He then puts down the shovel he was holding and nods. I smile and look back at Fit who was still looking after Sunny he winks at me and shoos us away gesturing for us to go before someone bothers us.

"So Fred." i say while walking away from hangout "Why the feds?" i say and he kinda looks a sad. I knew he was trapped.

"It was always expected of me. I dont even know my parents. I was raised to be the perfect  boy who works hard and dosen't ask questions. Im always supposed to be absloutely perfect. I get badly punished if i ever doubt anything that the bosses say. I have no body." He says an inch of sadness approaching his voice making him stutter a little.

"Do you want a hug?" I say without thinking about anything else. He looks up at me a bit suprised and unsure. But eventually, he nods and i open my arms and embraces me and i embrace him. His head lay's on my shoulder and I wish with all my being i could have stayed like that with him. Forever.

"Thats what friends are for."

Love lost me (fred x tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now