I would have died happy.

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My hand reached over and I locked fingers with him and I swear I could have died. He smiled back at me and looked back over at the screen. If i died that day at that time I would have died happy. He started to gently rub my thumb in circles in comfort. His hands were so gentle and lovely to touch. I smiled and realised I've met this boy twice and i'm already so in love with him that if he asked me to run away with him I would. I'd bring Sunny but still i'm never against the idea.

The credits rolled on and Fred turned to me smiling widely. His white hair swept nicely across the top of his head. He looked at me again looking me in the eyes. Again I thought he was gonna kiss me?

"You are so cute" I say and Fred goes all red. I laugh and he pretends to be mad at me. He turns around and pouts making him and me laugh. I go around the chair he's sat on and stand in front of him.

"Don't be like that baby" I say a little sarcastic and he goes more red making me and him both laugh. I help him up and decide to hold his hand as we walk out of the Cinema. We are chatting playfully about cats or dogs when we see a face in the bush.

We both froze and a beanie was on the majority of his hair.


"What do you want?" I say shielding Fred from him. If I have to battle Quackity to the death for Fred i will.

"This is a bit weird... Friendly with the enemy?" He tutted and shook his head. Fred went to launch at him and i held him back. We needed to fight this with words for now.

"Sorry I've got romance and you haven't." I say smirking at him and he scoffs rolling his eyes,

"I'll get you back Toby" He says and shook his head waggling around his finger glaring at me. In all honesty, he knows he could never win against me. He can dream. The only problem is if he hurts Sunny or Fred but he wouldn't do that i don't. He walked away not looking back and Fred turned to me a little confused.

"I have nothing against him but for some reason has something against everyone else..." I say shaking my head and rolling my eyes. We continue talking for ages and ages walking back to my house.

"Well i guess this is it.. for now." I say ,Fred nods looking a little sad. I smile weakly at him feeling sad as well.

"This isn't the end I promise ... write to me okay?" I say and before I say anything Fred grabs my waist hugging me tightly. The positioning of his hands on my waist made me blush. I wrapped my arms around him. He kept his hands on my waist but parted a little looking into my eyes.

For the third time... IS HE GOING TO KISS ME?.

He put one hand on my face and leaned in slowly. I instantly got butterflies and then felt his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and he had quite a height gain on me so he tilted my head upwards a little. He wasn't exactly TALL but he was pretty damn tall. It was passion mixed with desperation for each other. We wanted each other. His work was the only problem. We stayed kissing for a few minutes and then we pulled apart. Still in the position.

"Another date?" I say laughing and he smiles.


Love lost me (fred x tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now