The waiting game.

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I walked away from Fred, tears still burning my eyes. We have only just met yet i'm completely beside myself about him. But by the looks of it he's the same about me

I've got tons of friends yet he is the most important. 

Why? I've just met him? All these questions popped into my head as Sunny,Fit and Ramon sat on floor colouring together. I walked in my house tears stained my cheeks and Fit instantly looked up in worry.

"Oh man... Kids you stay there, don't move." Fit said grabbing my arm pulling me outside. "Did it not go well?" He was anxious about my response. He fidgeted with his hands,tapping his feet fearing the worst.

"No, it went amazing. He's amazing,,funny,cute. I really grew attached to him. However, he told me he might not ever be able to see me again. Because of his boss...but he's gonna write to me every week just to say hi. And he says he might be able to see me, hes not sure though." I saw choking on my tears and Fit hugged me and i hugged him. 

"It's okay Tubbo, i promise you'll see him again. I work with the Feds i'll request him to help me with paper work but in reality i'll just let him see you i'll do it in a couple of days okay? i promise." He says and i nod i wipe my cheeks with my sleeves and get prepared to get back into see my daughter.

"Hey papa!" She says as soon as i enter the room she hugs my leg and I pick her up hugging her smiling. Ramon stood on the other side of the room sitting on a chair colouring a potato green and orange? Oh well kids will be kids i guess. 

I decide it's late, Fit and me say goodbye and i thank him again for taking care of Sunny. And he leaves me and Sunny alone.

"Papa, i need bed time!!" She says as i pick up a piece of paper to write my first letter Fred.

"Oh yeah so sorry poppitt. I'm coming hold on!" I put down my piece of paper and placed the pen on top. Careful not to lose the pen as it's the only one i have. I heard Sunny humming when i entered her room. Her face lit up upon seeing me

"yayyyyy papa!!" She says laying down in her bed clapping her hands. I tuck her in and kiss her cheek and smiles.

"I love you papa...I hope you're okay..." She says thinking about the state i was in earlier. I smiled knowing she cared which felt lovely. 

"I'm fine honey promise. I just miss someone. I'll tell you another time but for now just sleep honey okay?" i say and she nods and yawns. I turn off her light and she rolls over to sleep.

I sat in my arm chair sighing a little relaxing as i started my letter...

Dear Fred ,

It's me Tubbo or Toby. I know we only parted about three hours ago... but i already miss you. Like a lot. I feel we have a connection. I wish i could see you again already. The time we spent together was really funny and i enjoyed it a lot. I don't know if you've already met my daughter but she is really special and next time you want to come and see me i would love to introduce you to her. I'm just a single parent all alone really. My friend Fit (who you may already know) really helps me out, he's my best friend. I don't know if you have any friends because you didn't know what they were earlier. I hope we can always be friends maybe we can be something a little more in the future. It depends but i hope we can. I hope your not gone forever.


Tubbo (Toby).

I opened my front door and ripped my post box out the ground and put it next to my house with a little sign reading 'for fred'. 

I carefully put the letter in the letter box

Now it's just a waiting game.

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