Is it good or bad?

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"HEYY THERE'S MY BOY!" Fit says loudly and I laugh. Sunny runs up to me smiling and I pick her up and she giggles. I only just realised Fred wore lip gloss because I had a bit of lip gloss on my lips and I was praying no one noticed but of course someone did...

"Dad i didn't know you wore lip gloss?" Sunny said smirking and Fit stood up then Phil busted down the door.

"TOBYYY" Phil said Tallulah and Chayanne in each arm. He put them down and hugged me. I was smiling and Fit stood up to greet Phil. I told them i'm going to put Sunny to bed because it was late. All the kids protested because they didn't want Sunny to go to sleep.

"Fine go into Sunny's room and play only an hour though alright?" I say and they all dragged each other into Sunny's room shutting the door behind them. They were a little loud but i didn't mind too much.

"Oh tubbo! Love the lip gloss" Phil said and him and Fit laughed and I crossed my arms and they laughed.

"So how was the kiss? Because i'm pretty sure you don't wear lip gloss" Phil said sarcastically making me laugh a little.

I didn't even know how to explain it. It was still running through my head.

"Literally amazing. So we were standing outside the house all sad then he grabbed my waist for a hug" I say and was abruptly cut off from all the 'ooooooss' coming from Fit and Phil.

I roll my eyes and continue telling my story.

"Then he pulled back from the hug and lifted my chin upwards cause I mean he's kinda tall as fuck and then he kissed me and we are going on another date!!" I say in excitement and hear all the kids giggling in the other room.

"Fuck sake" I say under my breathe "ITS RUDE TO LISTEN IN,GO AND PLAY CHILDREN!" I shout and they laugh backing away from the door,shutting it again.

"That sounds really cute Tubbo I'm so happy for you." Phil says punching my arm lightly.

We all talked for hours about different stuff and decided the kids should just have a massive sleepover and i'll take care of them. I was up for the challenge.

At about 1 am...

"CHAYANNE PUT MY SWORD DOWN!!!" I shout running over to grab the sword from him. He then decided to tackle Ramon playfully. FIT GAVE THEM SWEETS AT 12:00 FUCKING AM.

"SUNNY PUT DOWN THE KETTLE!" I shout grabbing the kettle from Sunny's hand. She pouted and then proceeded to run around in circles. Everyone was shouting and screaming while playing IT. I was about to pull my hair out then i heard a knock at the door.  Who the fuck is knocking at the door at 1AM? I open the door a little puffed out.

"Need some help?" Fred said chuckling. I was confused "Oh i was dropping your letter up and then I heard you shout at Chayanne." He started laughing and Ramon ran over.

"IS THIS WHAT DRUGS FEEL LIKE?!?!?!?!?" He shouted at the top of his lungs still running around the room. All four kids looked like they'd just smoked a pound of crack. Fred burst out laughing.

"if i ever want crack I'm eating whatever they just ate" I say me and Fred not really knowing what to do.

"HOW ABOUT STORY TIME?" Fred says loudly over the kids and they all turn to look at him staring into his soul....

"right! Everyone in there beds! Please..." I say and everyone turns around and Fred is laughing and I push him playfully. I grin at the fact he wanted to give a letter and heard I was struggling with the kids and came rushing to help me.

"Right let's all lay in our beds." I say sitting on the floor. Fred sat on the floor next to me smiling. The kids looked up waiting for a story. I was gonna talk then Fred spoke.

"Right you guys wanna story? I've got an amazing one for you! So one day, there was a little dragon who grew up on this island. She was graceful and beautiful and tall." Fred says and I listen closely and the kids seem invested.

"So one day the dragon met another dragon and they fell in love. They one day decided to have children but when the children started to become real eggs the mum couldn't take care of them properly! So she decided to pass them down to other people and if the eggs stayed safe you will receive a huge gift! And if not then the dragon would breathe fire everywhere!" Fred says and all the kids go 'oooo'.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Sunny says yawning. This then sets off a chain of yawning kids.

"Well you all seem tired! Goodnight everyone. Night poppit!" I say and they all shut their eyes I close the door behind me slowly.

"Thank you... that was a urm nightmare." I say and Fred laughed a little. I give him a cup of tea as he said he could stay for a little while.

"Yeah honestly it's kinda crazy..." Fred says giggling a little.

"Do you know what's even more crazy?" I say and Fred looks up from his tea.

"Us meeting. It's mental. Two people who are supposed to hate eachother... reminds me of Romeo and Juliet...hopefully with a different ending..." I  say and Fred nods aggressively.

"Hey... wanna stay at mine... it's a really long shot and I don't mind if you say no..." Fred then shuts me up. He placed his finger on my lip. Instantly blushing. The blood literally rushed to my face.

"I would like to stay..." He said removing his finger from my lips. He got a tiny bit red but no where near as bad as I was.

"I kinda only have one bed..." I say and Fred nods with a little grin. "Alright then fine by me!" I say cheerfully.

I kinda just take his hand and we just giggle a little as we swing our hands around. I get in bed and he climbs in as well. He pulls me into him and wraps his arm around me smiling. He starts kissing my cheek affectionately.

"OH DAD I NEED TO ASK YOU ABOUT..." A little curly haired Sunny walked in the door we left open. She just stood with her mouth wide in shock.
"PAPA CLOSE THE DOOR!" She said slamming the door behind her. Me and Fred burst out into laughter.

"She's definitely your little girl." Fred says smiling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say pretending to be offended. He looked down at me and started twiddling with my hair.

"She's pretty, your pretty... but your a different kind of way..." Fred said trying to be confident.

"Oh yeah?" I say getting a little closer to his face.

"Not in-front of the kids maybe another day" he laughs and kisses my cheek I pout a little. He then kisses my cheek once again.

"Goodnight Tubbo" he kisses my forehead.

"Night Fred"

Love lost me (fred x tubbo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum