Chapter 274 - Let the war begin

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Everyone was surprised after they heard Souta's introduction. They ignored his etiquette. His words drown anything to the point that they ignored anyone except his words.

Who didn't know the one who fought Gregory Vidrato and defeated him?

This topic spread around the circle of nobles. Everyone talked about the person who defeated a noble head a few weeks ago. It was a hot topic and a lot of arrogant nobles were mad at that person who opposed Gregory.

They didn't think that person himself would come to a party full of nobles.

Souta Ieshi was a big name among the younger generation. Some of the people were comparing him to Yanagi Shina saying that he would become as powerful as her.

What they didn't know that Yanagi was strong even without proper equipment while Souta has dark grade sword and a universal-grade artifact with him. That's the difference between the two.

Even Silvia and Leila were shocked when they heard Souta's introduction. Now that he mentioned it, his name was familiar to them. But it was out of their expectation that Souta was the one who defeated Gregory.

"Good. I hope the three of you enjoy my daughter's birthday party." Franz smiled as he raised the glass of wine in his hand.

"Thanks, we'll have fun." A smile formed on Souta's face.

With that, the party officially started.

Bryan was hungry so Silvia guided him to a table full of expensive foods and meals.

"Oh? It's my first time seeing these foods. Is it delicious?" Bryan exclaimed as he wiped the drool on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, please enjoy yourself." Silvia smiled.

"Thanks for the food." Bryan smiled happily as he began to place the foods that he chooses on his plate.

Souta wanted to laugh seeing Bryan like that. The nobles were disgusted with the way he ate his food.

"How about you, Lynn? Do you want to eat?" He turned to Lynn who was beside him and asked.

"N-No." Lynn shook her head. "I'm fine like this."

Souta nodded and he stayed beside her watching the nobles talked to each other. No one approached them because of his reputation.

A few minutes had passed and the music in the hall changed. The nobles started to dance elegantly.

"This atmosphere is not to my liking," Souta muttered to himself. He preferred a normal party more than a formal one like this. This kind of party was boring for him.

Well, might as well do something.

He turned to Lynn and asked, "Do you want to dance, Lynn?"

"Eh! Um..." Lynn was stunned and her face flushed instantly. She lowered her head and said, "B-But I don't know how to dance..."

"Don't worry, I also don't know how to dance. Since we're here might as well try it." Souta said as he smiled.

"O-Okay." Lynn nodded as she slowly lifted her hand.

"Good." Souta nodded and grabbed her hand. "Just follow my lead. I think dancing is easier than practicing combat arts."

"..." Lynn didn't know what to say. She just followed Souta as she felt her heart thumping wildly.

Souta and Lynn danced while holding each other. Lynn was simply following Souta's instructions while Souta was copying the movements of the nobles around him.

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