Chapter 287 - Collapse of the Ladros City: Flame Power

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The signal of the Adventurers Guild echoed throughout the whole city. Every adventurer heard this sound so they couldn't help but look in the direction of the guild.

Bryan, Brando, and Cluster stopped moving as they heard the loud ringing sound.

"What's happening, Brother?" Cluster asked with a worried expression.

"Monster tide...!" Brando muttered with a frown on his face.

"Oh, monster tide. I will be able to fight again." A wide smile formed on Bryan's face.

Brando looked at Bryan and said, "Bryan we can't go there with Cluster so we need to leave her in the legion first."

"Oh, right! I forgot about that! Don't worry, Cluster!" Bryan said as he patted his chest.


"A monster tide... And from the sound of it, it seems that more than a thousand monsters appeared." Souta muttered as he silently circulates his mana around his body.

The Adventurers Guild was summoning all the adventurers in the city to help in clearing the monster tide in the South Gate.




Another alarm signal rang in another direction of the city.


Souta opened his eyes widely when he heard the alarm signal.

'Three alarm signal plus the signal before... This city is surrounded...' Saya's voice sounded in his head.

"This is bad... There's four monster tide. The North, South, East, and West Gate needed protection." Souta muttered and he looked around him.

The students were confused at the alarm sound. Some of them didn't know the alarm of the Adventurers Guild while the others knew it. Slowly the words about the monster tides spread in the whole campus.

In just a short amount of time, almost everyone knew that countless monsters surrounded the entire city.

But then something worse happened...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several explosions arose in the city. Everyone felt the ground beneath their feet vibrated and it made the buildings trembled heavily.

"What...?" Souta was stunned when he heard the deafening sound of explosions.

He then felt hundreds of souls went to his earring. It means that hundreds of people perished in those explosions.

"Just what the hell is happening right now!"


Several people wearing black robes landed on the roof of the tall building in the city.

"We're here..." Yuvn said in a low voice as he surveys the whole city with his own two eyes.

"Hehe~ let's kill everyone." A crazed smile formed on Pavoni's face.

"Disperse!" Yuvn said as he flashed towards the direction of the Ladro Institute.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Five people followed him and four people went towards the sky. The remaining people went around the city before they used their skills and spells to cause destruction.

Huge fireball, hundreds of sharp ice, powerful winds, and lightning spears crashed around the city causing powerful explosions that killed hundreds of innocent people in an instant.

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