Chapter 335 - Battle at the Moon Tower: It's important for them to gain experien

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Lynn opened her eyes after a while and said, "Yes, I'm familiar with this mana. I'm sure that the lingering mana came from Lumilia."

"I see... Then, these marks were left by her. We should follow them quickly." Souta said to his group.

Lynn and Alice didn't have any objection to him so all of them followed the marks.


The group easily went to the third floor and the third floor was a maze too just like the second floor. The only difference was that there were golems roaming around the floor trying to ambush the people that invaded the tower.

The golems this time were stronger than the golems outside the tower but they still couldn't stop Souta's group from advancing towards the top floor.

They easily passed this floor too. The fourth floor was different. It was a wide space filled with hundreds of gigantic golems. The golems this time were as strong as a C-rank powerhouse. They were growing stronger each floor.

Still... C-rank powerhouses wouldn't stand a chance against a group of B-rank. Even among B-ranks Souta and Alice were exceptional. They could easily defeat a normal B-rank in a one-on-one battle.

On the fifth floor, Souta's group finally found Lumilia and Yujin. The two were hiding at the corner while watching a fifteen-meter tall golem in the center of the room.

"Mila! Yujin!" Lynn called the two.

The two turned around when they heard someone calling them. They sighed in relief when they saw that it was Lynn, Alice, Souta, and Yuko.

"You're finally here," Lumilia said to them.

"So... Did you find anything?" Souta asked the two.

Yujin shook his head in response indicating that they didn't find anything. Their investigation was futile. The Moon Tower was guarded tightly, and they only managed to enter because of the chaos brought by the earthquake and changes of the tower.

"We're on the fifth floor and the golem here is just one but its strength is definitely above than the golems on the floor below," Lumilia said as she glanced at the fifteen-meter tall golem.

"We should finish this as soon as-" Souta didn't even manage to finish his sentence as the whole tower trembled heavily. It was followed by a huge outburst of concentrated mana.


Lynn, Alice, Lumilia, and Yujin were alarmed. They didn't know what's happening above. The more they thought about it the more they worry about Cluster's condition.


"Above!" Lynn shouted as she felt a foreign presence above them. Since she could sense the mana signature, she knew that it was a different person.

A silhouette on the ceiling flashed towards their direction at high speed.


Souta quickly reacted as he pushed Lumilia and Lynn away. Alice also jumped away leaving Yuko and Yujin at the center.

Yuko just turned her head upward and looked at the figure heading down in their direction.

Yujin brandished his twin swords and clad it with his own mana. He raised his swords above his head and swung it downwards.

[Thousand Slicing Blade]!

Energy blades shot out from his swords.


The figure didn't stop and collided with the energy blade causing a loud explosion.

This explosion gathered the attention of the fifteen-meter tall golem at the center. The golem slowly turned its head and lifted its hand. Suddenly, its hand blurred as it threw a punch towards Souta's direction.

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