Chapter 350 - Battle at the Moon Tower: Brando's Resolve

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Souta's expression was grave as he observed the group of golems that possessed an energy level of a B-rank powerhouse.

It seems that he needed to use the rewards that he received from the quest in Ladros City. He also hasn't completed the [Finding] quest. To complete it, he just needed to point Cluster to Lumilia. Since Cluster was here, Lumilia just needed to arrive in this place and he will complete this quest that will give him extra 3 skill points. Also, he had the [Boss Battle] quest. To complete it, he just needed to defeat the boss of this tower, Curdova.

Currently, he had 43 skill points and 143 free attribute points. He could use this to strengthen himself but doing so would distract him from battle.

Souta took a deep breath and tried to think of a way how could buy some time to allocate his points. 'If this guy start talking again then I would have enough time.' He thought as he took a glance at Curdova who was behind the group of the golem.

One, two, three, four, five, six, and seven... The total number of golems was seven. Seven B-rank powerhouses. Even if he wasn't injured, he couldn't get rid of seven B-ranks easily.

Two of the seven golems quickly dashed at Souta.


Souta kicked the ground as he jumped away while slashing his sword.

[Crimson Moon]!!

The two golems blocked his attack and another two golems jumped over, heading in his direction.

[Shadow Bind]!!

Several tentacles rose from the ground and it stretched out towards the two humanoid golems. Also, Souta stopped the gravitational field on Curdova's body.

For now, he will use the power of his [Gravitational Ball] to help him fight this group of humanoid golems. Still, he didn't completely ignore Curdova. There's a possibility that Curdova was just waiting for an opportunity to strike him so had to be wary about it.

It's a psychological attack. Just by standing there and looking at Souta could give him pressure and distract him from fighting the humanoid golems.

'Damn! This is getting harder!' Souta cursed inwardly as he swung his sword repeatedly trying to blast away the two golems.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two golems coordinated perfectly as both of them deflected all of Souta's attack precisely.

It was good. As expected of the [Earth Elemental Golem Summoning] spell. The golems had good battle sense unlike the golems on the ground which he could easily predict the movements.

These humanoid golems had complicated battle patterns just like an expert warrior.

Souta could keep up with two golems even though he was injured and exhausted. His attribute and skills which were higher than normal B-ranks make up for this.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

'Can you still handle it Souta?' Saya asked him.

'Somehow...' Souta replied to him and then he saw another two humanoid golems charged at his side.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Right now, he was fighting four out of seven humanoid golems. Four B-ranks in short.

After a few seconds, the remaining three also charged at Souta. It seems that they were going to use their number to eliminate him. They realized that they couldn't defeat him without working together so they will work together.

If Souta wasn't using [Possession] then the difficulty of fighting all of seven golems was really high. But since he was using this skill, he could keep up with them somehow but he didn't know how long he will last.

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