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13 years ago...

Charles Leclerc was driving in the formula renault ALPS series when he met a girl, like any old teenager he messed around with her but had intentions for her.

Charles went on to win the ALPS series and soon after that the girl had told Charles she was six months pregnant. Charles was angry and confused, angry that she didn't tell him and confused that he hadn't noticed that she was pregnant.

Charles then went onto do the European KF2 championships when the girl gave birth. Charles was petrified to become a father but as soon as he held her for the first time he fell in love with her.

Charles family were furious when they found out but as soon as they met Charles' little girl they all fell in love with her aswell.

Charles and his girlfriend decided to name their daughter Elise Leclerc.

After a few months, Charles had noticed his girlfriend becoming very distant and one night she disappeared. Charles tried to trace her but couldn't find anything and was so worried on how he was going to raise this little girl by himself.

Even though he was heartbroken he couldn't let this get in the way of his dreams. At 19, when Elise was 2 years old, Charles got into formula 1, his dream.

It was hard for him to have a child and race around the world but he got there, with the help of his family of course.

After many years of Formula 1, Charles won his first championship. He was over the moon and told the world it was because of his good luck charm, Elise, which is where she got her nickname 'lucky' from.

Years later, Charles was still at Ferrari trying to win another championship and also deal with his 13 year old.

Elise was hard work but she looked up to her Father and wanted to become just like him.

Elise also didn't like the fact that people adored him. She felt as if the fans were trying to take her dad away from her, especially the fan girls.

Elise also didn't really like the fact that Charles dated. She just wanted her own mother, but she didn't really know where she was because Charles never spoke of her.

The only mother figure Elise had was her grandmother, Pascale. Elise adored Pascale, she loved her personality, her fashion sense, she just thought she was amazing.

When Elise argued with her dad Pascale was the one she would run too and Pascale would always take her granddaughters side.

So Elise was a teenager and a handful for Charles, how was he going to deal with it?

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