Chapter 10

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Me and Ollie ended up just watching movies all day and eating snacks.

It was currently 5pm when I heard the sound of the door opening.

Both mine and Ollie's heads snapped to face the door as Papa walked in looking pissed.

I swallowed hard as Ollie and went red.

"Erm.. I think I should- go.." He stood up from the sofa and hurried out of the hotel room.

Papa looked at all of the food packaging scattered over the coffee table.

"Why can't you just be sensible for once, Elise?" Papa sighed shaking his head. "I mean $70 on Mcdonald's?"

"We were just hungry." I shrugged.

"And what did I tell you about boys! No boys." He pointed his finger at me as I gasped.

"We are only friends." I crossed my arms over my chest. "I would never like a boy like that." I lied.

"You better not, boys are no good anyways." He said as I laughed.

"Now clear up this mess, we are going to dinner with Charlotte." Papa said as he went to his room to change.

I quickly cleared up the rubbish and then went to my room to change.

Once me and Papa were ready we walked down to the buffet restaurant to meet Charlotte.

Papa smiled and greeted Charlotte with a hug as I went straight to the buffet.

I piled my plate up with food and went back to the table as Papa stared at me mouth wide.

"What?" I said, my mouth full with food.

"So you buy like the whole of Mcdonald's and you are still hungry?" He laughed as I shrugged.

Charlotte laughed as Papa came back with a piece of meat on his plate and a few vegetables.

"There's literally nothing for me to eat here." Papa sighed.

Charlotte got some soup and Papa started talking about qualifying tomorrow.

"We have a really good chance here, Our pace is close to the red bulls so I definitely have a chance to win on Sunday!" Papa exclaimed as we smiled at him.

I looked around the restaurant as my eyes came across a blonde woman staring at me. I stared back at her confused as she smiled at me.

I quickly looked down at my food feeling a bit creeped out.

"Everything okay Lucky?" Papa noticed me acting weird.

"Yeah everything's fine." I forced a smile.

My feelings eased as I saw Ollie walk in with his Papa.

I smiled brightly at him as he waved at me. Papa stopped chewing and looked over to where I was looking.

"Elise!" Papa said.


"Stop drooling." He rolled his eyes as I slapped my hand onto my mouth.

"I am so not drooling!" I whined as Charlotte bit the inside of her cheek.

"Oh stop it Charles they are so cute." Charlotte lightly shoved Papa as he looked at Charlotte.

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