Chapter 11

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I stumbled over to Ollie as he chuckled at my drunken state. I don't think I should be drinking this much at thirteen but nobody has to know.

"I think you should head back to bed Eli." Ollie grabbed my shoulders.

"Nooo Im having fun." I whined and started to dance.

Ollie laughed, "Yep too much fun, time for bed." Ollie grabbed my arm and practically dragged me back to my room as I complained.

"You remind me of my Papa." i giggled before it turned into a laughing fit.

"You're actually a party pooper." I mumbled as I immediately felt like I was going to throw up.

I ran over to a bin and threw up into it. I coughed and pulled my head out of the bin as Ollie rubbed my back.

"Christ." I walked back to the room as Ollie followed me.

"Try and act normal infront of your Dad." Ollie advised me before he left to go back to his room.

"Thirty minutes late, Elise." Papa shook his head as he opened the door.

"Mm- Sorry." I sighed walking straight towards my bed.

"So how was the party?" Papa followed me into my bedroom.

I stuck my thumb up at him as I climbed under the bedsheets.

"Is that it?" Papa asked as I groaned throwing the pillow over my head.

"Kids." He sighed and walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.


I woke up the next morning with a terrible head ache.

I immediately shut my eyes when the sun shone into the room.

"Elise hurry up!" Papa shouted as I jumped. Why is this man always screaming?

"No." I groaned into my pillow.

Papa walked in wearing his Ferrari shirt and blue jeans.

"Come on! I'm going to be late to the track." Papa rolled his eyes as I stayed laid in bed.

"Stop shouting." I whispered into my pillow.

Papa furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed my head.

"Ow." I groaned.

"Did you drink at the party?" Papa scolded as I looked at him confused.


"You're thirteen years old!"

"I didn't drink!" I shouted back. I'll be honest it took a lot of strength to shout.

"If I find out you're lying to me Elise Leclerc it's not going to end well." He pointed his finger at me. "Now hurry up and get dressed." He slammed the door as I felt like I was about to throw up.

I ran to the bathroom and tried to silently vomit into the toilet.

God I thought getting drunk was supposed to be fun, nobody told me about this side of it.

I wiped my mouth with some tissue and then flushed it down the toilet.

I got ready as fast as I could and then walked out of my room to meet Papa in the living room area of the hotel room.

"Hurry up." He huffed as he stormed out of the room as I followed him.

Charlotte walked out of her room as we did with a bright smile.

"Morning." She smiled as I smiled back, Papa just nodding his head. Rude cunt.

"What's wrong with him?" Charlotte whispered as I shrugged.

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