Chapter 2

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I woke up to Papa's voice echoing through the house. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 5:30am. Fucks sake.

"Get up Elise." Papa said. "The taxis arriving in 5 minutes." He shut my door as my eyes widened jumping out of bed. How am i going to get ready in five minutes?

I dragged myself out of bed and threw a tracksuit on and quickly tied my hair back. I looked a state but I couldn't care less.

"Elise." I heard papa shout again as I picked up my travel bag.

"I'm fucking here!" I shouted back in anger, quickly pinching my eyes shut.

"Wanna repeat that? I swear Elise, do not test me today." He slightly pushed my back out of the door as I kissed my teeth.

I handed my bag to the taxi driver and climbed into the back going on my phone.

As Papa got into the taxi the taxi soon stopped after ten minutes.

The door next to me opened and Lando climbed into the car.

"Alright Leclercs?" Lando grinned as he spudded Papa and ruffled my hair.

I death stared him and pulled my hood up covering my hair and face looking down at my phone again.

"What's up with baby leclerc?" Lando looked at Papa through the mirror as I saw him roll his eyes.

I stayed quiet for the 40 minute drive to the airport and then got out following Papa and Lando.

"Keep up Elise." Papa said as I struggled to keep my eyes open, hearing the sounds of suitcases rolling on the floor.

I started to jog to keep up as I dropped my carry on bag and all of the containments of the bag fell onto the floor.

"Merde." I cursed as I looked up seeing Lando and Papa distracted by a shop.

I started to grab the things off the floor as I looked up to see a boy in a ferrari jacket helping me to collect my things from the floor.

"Oh thank you." I sighed as he gave me a smile and stood up properly.

Damn, he's gorgeous.

"Wait- are you Charles' daughter?" He stared at me as I nodded.

"Yeah.. You a fan?" I joked as he laughed.

"If you'd like. I'm also a ferrari academy driver." The boy said.

"You look pretty young to be an academy driver." I said not believing him.

"I'm 13 but i'm an academy driver just lower than the normal ones, i travel to grand prixs aswell." He explained.

Before I could answer Papa called my name.

"Elise." He shouted as my head snapped towards him.

"I gotta go." I said grabbing my bag and walking towards Papa.

"Oh- okay! hopefully see you around, Elise." He waved as I smiled.

"Who the hell was that?" Papa said. I shrugged. "Don't be going and getting a 'boyfriend' lucky."

"Whatever Papa." I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my shoulders.

"I'm serious." He said with a stern face. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Cmon guys we're boarding." Lando waved at us as I skipped towards Lando.

"You've brightened up." Lando wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I smiled up at him.

"I think I just met the love of my life." I dramatically said.

"Elise shut up you don't know anything about love, you're delusional." I heard Papas voice behind me as I flipped him off without turning around.

Little LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now