Part 19: Snap out of it

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Mark's POV:

I locked the mansion from the inside out, making sure that no matter what happened, nobody could enter.

Peace was what I needed at this moment. I required every ounce of focus within me so that I could get Jay out of Dream State. With Shockwave dead, the only person who could stop Ripper is Jay.

I ripped open the document, seeing a bunch of files scattered out in the open.

"Ok Ripper," I muttered. "Let's figure you out,"

The first file contained a disk - likely a video. I put the disk in my computer, playing the video.

"This is interesting..." a police officer muttered, looking at what seemed to be Ripper. "Multiple counts of murder and putting people in a 'coma.' You sure are dangerous,"

"It sure is," Ripper replied. " caught me, huh?"

"That's right," the police officer replied. "And you're gonna face the consequences, you bastard,"

Ripper sat in the cell, looking pretty relaxed, as if he didn't care about the threats of the officer.

"You don't care, do you?" the officer sighed.

"What does my expression tell you?" Ripper asked.

"Nothing," the officer muttered. "Nothing of importance to me,"

"Bold words coming from you," Ripper commented. "You couldn't capture me yourself and are now about to lose me,"

"Who...are you?" the officer asked, his voice now having some fear.

"I am your worst fear," Ripper laughed. "I am...Ripper,"

"And how will you make me feel that fear?" the officer inquired.

"Sir, I don't mean any offense, but I am ranked 8th in The Vipers," Ripper said. "Keeping me here is quite...stupid, don't you agree?"

They both were silent for a bit, eyeing each other. The officer wasn't sure what to say, and Ripper was having fun seeing the disturbed state of the officer.

"Well, you're cuffed, right?" the officer asked.

"You sure about that?" Ripper remarked, showing his hands, uncuffed.

"Hey, what are-"

Before the officer could even start talking, Ripper kicked the officer to the wall. The officer was good as dead now.

"Officer, you wanted to know your worst fear now, right?" Ripper smiled. "Here, feel it,"

Ripper then touched the officer's head.

"AAAAARRRGGHHHHH!" the officer screamed before the video cut off.

I clenched my fists. That poor officer was just trying to do his job, yet Ripper still put him in Dream State. Not only that, but I think that the officer succumbed to the dream; that meant that he was as good as dead now...

The worst thing was that the officer wasn't the only victim of Dream State. Ripper put multiple others in it and pretty much everyone succumbed to that hideous ability. He also killed multiple innocent people - he was going to die and I will make sure of it.

I sighed.

Right now, I needed to free Jay from Dream State - I had to look into the other files if I had to learn more about Ripper's abilities. The key had to be somewhere in there for me to get Jay out of Ripper's mental game.

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