1 | Star Players

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「 ✦ Chapter 1 ✦ 」

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「 ✦ Chapter 1 ✦ 」

MALACHI KINGS WAS A LOT of things, stupidity may be one, but when it comes to basketball then all his childish games fade into a temporary nothingness. With basketball he is the embodiment of focus and determination.

Sometimes I'm jealous, yes I am good at netball, but if I had his focus or determination then I'd be unstoppable.

Why am I thinking about this you may ask? Because he is insufferable, and because I'm thinking of how to get him back from when he asked his friend to ask me out as a freaking joke and the guy almost broke into my dorm.

Oh and I plan on doing it soon, like at Athletics day, sometimes being in the same syndicate as him isn't so bad.

At Elway we have four syndicates, like big groups that were made to make our schedules more organised and to encourage competitiveness during sports events.

There are the Lions, Dragons, Bears, and Wolves. I'm a Dragon.

In all the year levels, there are 20 dorm rooms for each syndicate, ten for the girls and ten for the boys, each dorm has four people, no little no less.

The left side is all the boys, the right is for the girls, and each floor ranges from the freshman to the seniors, seniors are at the very top.

In the middle of both the boys and girls sides is a cafe that heaps students go to, It's not big but more of a medium size so I'm guessing it can hold a lot of people.

There are different hallways regarding what house you're in. Elway really made the system here easy for us. Let's say you're in Wolves, you might be in dorm FW8, depending on if you're a freshman or higher, what syndicate you're in, and the number of the dorm.

That one room becomes your dorm for the rest of your school years, which I'm grateful for because I have the best roommates. Some people I know got unlucky and had to bunk with the guys since they joined Elway halfway through the year.

Currently, I'm in my room, on my chair, reading through an assignment that my English teacher gave me. And guess who is my partner for the project? Malachi freaking Kings. I can never ever get a break from him.


"You two will be partners." Miss Leylan explains, and this is why she called me and Malachi privately into her classroom?

I quietly scoff, unable to process this new information. "Why?" I ask.

"Well," she started as if she already planned out what she'd say. "You and Malachi both missed my English lesson on Monday for your sports games, so you missed the chance to choose your partners. Plus, if you both want to keep your 'Star Player' titles then I recommend you don't question me and just do the assignment." She hands us papers with the instructions and waves us off.

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