4 | Pretty For You

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「 ✦ chapter 4 ✦ 」

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「 ✦ chapter 4 ✦ 」

I STARE AT THE MESSAGE on my phone, my eyes rip off of it and watch my friends all sitting around me, Kiara doing homework, she has as much focus as Rory Gilmore does when she studies. El has Milo (her cat) laying on her lap as she goes through her phone.

Addie isn't here, she's busy doing some errands, the weekly groceries since it's her turn this week.

Saturday mornings are always so slow, and boring! But it'a better than being stuck doing persuasive writing or essay preparing right now.

Start of school pre-tests are about to start soon, so I did all my homework and pending assignments on wednesday, so now I have time to actually study and not be catching up on schoolwork.

A sudden knock on the door has everyone stilling and on instinct Kiara lowers the TV volume.

"Guys, it isn't him, we get our mail every saturday so calm down." I assure them as I walk over to the door, opening it slightly, and when I see Kelce, our mail guy I open it fully.

"Hey Kelcey." I smile and extend my arm slightly to collect my mail. "Hello Fay." Kelce answers back, he and I have been close ever since he helped me in the infirmary due to a sprained ankle for netball last season.

All the notes are a bland, boring old beige colour. But one specific red one catches my eyes, my brows scrunch in confusion and my lips part. "What's this?" I ask as i glance up at him. "Party invite, you gonna go?" He asks and I don't reply for a small period of time.

"Maybe, I dont know," I give him a small goodbye wave and smile "Bye Kelce." I close the door and toss all the other letters excluding the red one.

I tear open the tiny star sticker keeping the two folds together, and read through the following letter.

Dear whoever has gotten this invite,

You have been invited to a party tommorow, and if you're too high to know what day tommorow is, it's sunday babes.

Theme is dress to impress, but red edition. I wanna see all you hot people in RED.

Boring but needed details:
Location is: XXXX on XXXX street at around 9pm. And again for you high people, it's the big black modern house, I'll add a sign on the front.

Don't bring your own booze! You'll be escorted out immediately.

Also this invite was sent to you gorgeous people by Alehna Vean

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