5 | Crashers

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「 ✦ Chapter 5 ✦ 」

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「 ✦ Chapter 5 ✦ 」

THE SOUND OF THE OCEAN crashing against the sandy shores sends the familiar feeling of tingles down every area of my body. The chill evening breeze whips at my skin, my skin peppered with sand. Kiara, Eléria, Fay, Elodie, Naeve, and Brielle all sit on our huge blanket eating and drinking a variety of food we've all brought and talking like we're all alone.

All of us are overlooking the gorgeous sunset ahead of us, it feels like it was a once blank canvas, that was spilled with paints of orange, pink, purple and yellow pastels that brighten up the sky.

I take a bite of the crispy chips that Brielle brought, everyone seems to be eating except for Fay and Naeve. Sometimes I feel worried about Fay, She's been eating less and less lately, and I don't get opportunities to see Naeve much, but when I do she never eats, just like Fay.

The only thing Fay consumes is diet coke and orbit gum.

I don't want to ask them questions about it so I never do, but if something happens I'm gonna know why, and how it happened immediately.

The palm trees behind us cast a dark shadow in-front of us, the only sounds heard are the sounds of our laughter, the waves crashing, and the occasional clinking of our glass cups.

"Are you guys going to the party tomorrow?" Eléria asks looking over at the fading sunset, her perfect side profile and photogenic self makes it look like she's posing for a photo shoot, but the entire scene looks as if she's posing for a modelling agency photo-shoot.

Even with her wet hair tied into a messy bun, and her green string bikini with tiny daisies on it, she is ethereal, godly, beautiful in words no other can describe.

I can't lie, I never would about their looks. Everyone sitting on this blanket with me looks as if they were models, they're all angelic, ethereal, Divine, and they all do it so differently but so well, they have no idea how perfect they all look.

We all have sleepovers occasionally, and they look like they fell from heaven when they wake up.

"Yep. I've got nothing to wear as always." Naeve rolls her eyes playfully "Like seriously, my best clothes are always hiding!" She huffs and crosses her arms. "Pfft, seriously I'm not kidding I've heard her yell out 'come here blouse, here blousey blousey!!' as if it's a damn dog." Brielle spills. Naeve and Brielle get into an argument about that as all of us watch in amusement.

The sudden sound of speakers and obnoxiously loud male voices cut the air and make both Nay and Bri quiet down.

Seven boys that we all know and a few more enter through the entrance of the beach, our jaws drop as soon as we see who it is.

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