2 | Rude Greetings

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「 ✦ Chapter 2 ✦ 」

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「 ✦ Chapter 2 ✦ 」

MY NORMAL STUDY SESSIONS I have in my schedule have been horrible lately, all this planning has cut into my personal life, and some of it even into my school life.

Of course It's a good plan and all, but it risks expulsion, and I'm worried about that.

I'm even more worried on how I'm supposed to get Jaylen Cambridge, the guy who spilled cement on my foot in 3rd grade, lets not forget to mention that my foot was stuck there 'til the teachers arrived 3 hours later, to help me with this.

Oh he's done more then just that. He's put bubblegum in my hair, rips my work up if I leave it unsupervised in class, he even spilled paint on my new cashmere sweater, which I slapped him after but that sweater was so pretty.

I still have the dang sweater, the paint is hardened and looks like a weird shield, the delusional part of me hopes the paint will one day fall off and look like a shield from Percy Jackson or something, which I could use against Jaylen. But the realistic side of me just can't find the heart to throw it away.

Currently, I'm sitting on my bed after a day of ordering stupid camera's and weird digital stuff for a dumb teacher.

He disgusts me, Mr. Weldon literally disgusts me.

He is the definition of gross, I swear I throw up every time I see him.

Last week I had my hair out with two tiny plaits on each side and he made a comment in front of everyone about it, and his gross, pudgy fingers touched my poor hair as well.


"Ms. Whitlock I just love your hair." He comments and I give him an awkward tight-lipped smile and nod. "Thanks.."

"Isn't her hair gorgeous class?" He comments and my eyebrows dip, he trudges ever and grabs at the strands gently, examining them in a flirty way but I swat his hand away, and a rush of sudden unfamiliar confidence sweeps in.

"Don't touch me." I surprisingly say because normally I'm one to keep quiet, keep to myself, always kind and always awkward.

He puts his hands in the air in surrender and backs away "Of course Ms. Wel- Whitlock." I almost gag when he winks at me, he so meant to call me Ms. Weldon!


Mr Weldon is the worst, I really hope our plan goes right, but I shouldn't be hoping, I should be knowing it will go right. 

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