Reeking cavern

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"If that is so then let's get moving." The huge leader said as he stands up and easily picks up his broadsword as he swung it and placed it on his shoulder.

The rest if the team stands up as well as they all walk out the building with Aion following right after.


No one spoke or said anything until they got to the entrance of the reeking cavern. They had boarded a carriage and that drove them to the transferral tube which they used to go down, after that they had trekked for about six kilometres before they them got to rocky barren lands and mountain range which was where they found the cavern that was dug out by some Koboles, as they it was called on their mission slip.

It was apparently the crossbreed between Kobolds and Moles, because if that their appearance is altered from their original not looking like one or the other, as it is written in the slip that they have the regular Kobold body that is humanoid, thick red skin, but then their head is where the abomination lies as it is like the forced mixing of a Kobold face to have the tentacled nose, ears and teethes of a mole. Then also it's hands are or a moles, but because of their Kobold side, the hands are muscular making the regular sloppy nails of a mole harden with muscles as it is now dangerous claws.

Reading the description of the beast alone is more than able to make a weak minded person faint in disgust, but as it is like this they all knew the reason it is called the reeking cavern.

As they all stop in front of the cavern entrance, the leader finally broke the silence as he spoke.

"I'm Grad, leader of the sparrow team, and these others are my team members..." He points at the girl that still doesn't seem to be concerned with anything around as she continues looks on with bored eyes.

"... That's Daizy, not her real name but nobody knows and nobody dares to ask, just keep it that way." Grad then faces the twins as he grabs them both by the shoulder.

"This is Rack and Rill, Rack is the one wearing brown robe he is a earth mage, while Rill is the one in blue, a water mage. They share almost everything... Including their likes of woman."

Aion shivered at the thought of two brothers sharing the same woman. Only an equally sick woman would obviously do such.

Grad seeing Aion shiver, he then laughs. "Just kidding, although they same some things like ideas, thoughts and stuff like that but not women, they aren't crazy enough for that, hahahaha!"

Aion laughs as well as he then looks at the last person with an eye patch, Grad noticing his gaze pulls him into a hold.

"He doesn't have one, doesn't talk, doesn't do anything except from following and fighting, although we just act like he is invincible but he is counted in with each and every plan we make, and we also depend on his crucial high damage when in battle. So you can just do the same." Grad advices as he whispered to Aion, with Aion as well nodding his head in understanding.

'i believe you alright, but I believe myself more... Scan'

[Specie: Human.

Name: Grad.

Cultivation: 6th stage body refining realm.

Condition: Healthy.


Hp: 460

Strength: 128

Agility: 96

Mind: 49

Soul: 100%.

Fort: Strength.

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