Fighting the Ifrit

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Running towards the equally approaching Ifrit, Aion eyes are all over the place as he searches the area for useful things he could use against the Ifrit, as well he was also on his system.

Scanning the windows with invigoration as his eyes turns to blurs speeding past many words and images.

Apparently, all the quest rewards he had been receiving up till now were actually almost useless as they are, only after they have been used in the creation of an item could they finally show their usefulness, but in their raw form they are just materials.

The only things he could say were useful were the three items he got, the sensory pellets he just got now and had used up, the leaf hand fan which he gave to Glyscyra for use since her arrows have proven to be almost useless in this situation. Then the restorative earrings he also got after he killed the Kinkajou but he is planning on giving to X, and finally the dark silver grade breastplate which he is currently wearing, after that he has nothing else of importance to use against the Ifrit except for trying to match it in power and hits.

They meet themselves at the side of the group, as the last wisps of flames leave the body of the Ifrit, revealing it's appearance.

The Ifrit naturally was a humanoid beast, which meant it will be taller and muscular as every other beast become after becoming humanoid, standing at over 8ft tall the Ifrit hands are packed with muscles and they look three times bigger than a regular bodybuilder's arms.

It's hands are engraved with a metal that had been corroded over and over by it's fire through time, and had now become a type of metal fleshy gauntlet that enshrouds it's forearm all the way to it's longer than dagger claws. Then it's biceps are wrapped with spiky metal armband, then it's chest had a glowing symbol that curves all the way from it's upper chest all the way down to it's abdomen, and the glow seems to dim and brighten with every heartbeat making it seem as if energy current was surging through it.

The legs of the Ifrit are like that of a goat, the same way it is bent backwards and comes back to stand firmly on the ground with its thick huge hooves, that seems to have a flaming hair behind it. Then from it's back is a tail that is the same color as it's red tough and tight skin, but ends at tip with a flaming hair. The face of the Ifrit is normal and more humane and it even shows the semblance to the eye patched man as the left eye is nothing but a empty socket and has a deep scar running on it.

Atop it's head are metal like horns, long and curved all the way back, looking like black lightning bolt atop the Ifrit's head.

Throwing the first strike, the Ifrit punches dangerously at Aion, wind tearing apart and howling as it's fist surged forth with unbridled power and tremor.

Aion runs without a pause in his steps as he expertly places his scythe blade at an angle that makes the punch slide and deflect to the ground.

The punch sails into the rocky floor if the dark cavern as it heavily sinks into the ground and for a few seconds gets stuck, but these few seconds were utilized smartly by Aion.

As the first pass beside him, without even waiting to see the trajectory of the punch, he swiftly sidesteps as he momentarily disappear from the Ifrit's sight, only later appearing right in front if it's eyes, with his scythe opposite small blade sinking directly into the Ifrit's good eye.

With the small opposite blade at the heel of the scythe still inside the Ifrit's good eye, Aion rotates his body dragging along his scythe as well.

The Ifrit feeling imminent danger from this action, immediately pushes it's head back as far as possible but still the wickedly long blade of the scythe still ends up tearing a horizontal line on its face drawing magma like blood.

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