Battle of specials

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The ground tears open, a pile of burnt sand and grass thrown everywhere along with the girl. She lands on the floor and drops to her knee.

The guard and his Zhounds all exit the destroyed tunnel, as well as other guards that were searching the other areas all of them begins approaching the girl.

Before long they had all surrounded the girl with their weapons drawn and pointed at the girl whose robe was nothing more than just rag on her body now.

The girl stood up and faced the twenty some guards surrounding her her eyes marking all of them. She pulls out from underneath her robe, two rods polished in a brimming gold.

She clicks on the middle part of each rod, causing a mechanisms to follow as the rods split into two but rather than separating, they were still connected by a chain in their middle.

The guard with the Zhounds takes a step forward and speaks up. "Princess Aleastasia, please do not do this!"

The rest of the guards all nod their heads in agreement their eyes holding a calm welcoming gaze but their weapons were still drawn high without even faltering a bit.

"Princess Aleastasia, just come back. The king knows you are not like this, I'm sure he will forgive you, but if you continue with whatever it is you plan on doing, you might anger the king." Another guard speaks up, he walks forward as well his daggers crossed before him.

"Come back? Anger the king?..." The girl revealed to be princess Aleastasia says as she pulls down the hood over her head.

"... Tell father, I could have just waited for maybe ten years for him to remember me and come searching, but your king's son left without as much as a questioning so why can't I leave the same way?"

"Princess! You don't mean you're leaving the kingdom all for a guy. You know that's almost impossible, especially when the king had set different potential husband with about nine kingdoms!"

"Potential husband or not, I already have someone who is not just a mere potential husband but is much more than that and I have to meet him, so don't try stopping me!"

The princess says swirling the nunchakus in circle. The guards as well all toughen their minds and face each of them gripping their weapons tighter.

"Attack! Remember we must being her back at all cost, she can be wounded as per the kings rule so go all out, you know the person you're up against!" The guard with the Zhounds say as he puts his Zhounds by the side.

The twenty four guards all with different weapons attack Aleastasia. She tears off the remaining part of the robe on her body and throws it up.

The guards were all running towards her swinging their weapons in different ways and angles. As they near her some began to lunge at her, but she keeps standing without any thoughts of attacking back.

The robe softly falls to the ground and with it she shot out like a missile, the metal nunchakus hitting against two guards head.

Their heads are thrown sideways, a painful crack rings out from their necks that bends along with their head. The helm on their head in pounded inside from just one hit, and with the looks of the pressed helm, it seems even their skulls have been pressed inside as well.

One swing a spear at her, but she turns around rolling along the body of the spear until she reached the guard holding it, then she strikes with her metal demons.

The guard seems to have learnt from what happened to the other two, so he bends down swiping his leg at Aleastasia, but she jumps over it.

Seeing her in the air, the guy stabs his spear forward again, along with four other slashing their swords at her, she forcefully hits her nunchakus beneath her the force pulling her down.

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