╰┈➤ ❛❛ Chapter Two ❞

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2nd person POV

જ⁀➴ ♡
You and Edd were making dinner together for everyone. Though, you weren't as experienced with cooking, so you just helped out by grabbing the items needed.

After sometime, you two eventually finished. You set the table and sat down.

"Dinner time!" Edd shouted to the guys, who one by one came down stairs. Tord being the first down and Matt the last.

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I was just about to eat until I saw Tord snagging the chair next to me, pushing it closer and sat down. I shifted nervously in my chair as I glanced at him.

"Hm, looks like I'll have to go out and buy another chair." Edd says as he sits down across from me.

Tom came down and took a seat. "Why is the commie sitting next to (Y/N)?" I heard him say.

Tord glares at Tom for a moment before looking over at me. "So, (Y/N), tell me about yourself." Tord says. I can't tell if he's flirting with me or if he's genuinely curious.

"Um.. well what do you want to know?" I ask and he leans forward a bit. "Everything."

Matt comes down, mirror in hand. "Edd, there's a stranger in our house." I look over.

"I know Matt. This is (Y/N), she'll be staying for the night." I smile and give Matt a small wave.

"Oh! Hi (Y/N)! I'm Matt." Matt was so adorable. He kind of reminds me of my little brother.

"It's nice to meet you, Matt." I noticed him looking around.

"Hey, where am I supposed to sit?" I noticed that there weren't enough chairs, so I got up. "Here, you can take my seat. I'll eat in the living room."

I watch as his face lights up. "Thanks (Y/N)!" I chuckle and pick up my plate, bringing it to the living room. I heard a chair move and Tom say, "leave it Tord, stop bothering her."

I look over. "Shut it Tom, I can do what I want." Tord snaps back. "No you can't, and you're probably making her uncomfortable you creep."

"Mind your own business, freak." Tord gets up from the table and comes over to sit next to me on the couch.

"Are you guys okay...?" He must've noticed my concern and gave me a reassuring smile. "Everything's fine, this is normal for me and Tom to get into fights."

"Oh... Okay," I ate my dinner and watched the TV. I noticed Tord scooting over a little and putting his arm around my shoulders. I look over, feeling my cheeks heat up. He looks at me and chuckles.

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I don't know when, but I eventually ended up falling asleep. I woke up pretty early, a habit I have because of school and college. I felt pretty warm. 'I don't know what kind of blankets they have, but I want them.' I slowly opened my eyes to see that it wasn't a blanket. 'TORD?!'

I stare at Tord's sleeping form for a few moments before closing my eyes again. My face was practically burning. He must've felt me shifting a bit because I heard a chuckle.

I open my eyes to see him looking right at me. "Good morning, cutie~" My face flushed. 'Cutie??' He chuckles again and gets up.

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Thankfully, Edd washed my clothes, so I got changed and returned the borrowed clothes. "Thanks again for the help, Edd." He grins at me.

"Of course! Anytime." I pick up my bag, about to leave. "Oh by the way, could I possibly get your number? I'd like to invite you over again sometime."

I smile and nod. "Yeah, sure." I take my phone out and exchange numbers with Edd.

"Thanks!" We said our goodbyes and I left to go back home. Surprisingly, it wasn't as long as a walk as I thought it was... I was a couple houses down across the street... I could've made it home last night... Oh well! At least I met some of my neighbors.

I reached my house and stepped inside. I hardly got one foot in before feeling my phone buzz in my pocket.

I closed the door and set my things aside before grabbing my phone. I checked what it was and noticed that an unknown number texted me. Normally I would read the first sentence then just ignore the number.

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[Y - You]

[U - Unknown number]

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[U] "Hey gorgeous, hope you don't mind, I took a little something from your bag. 😘"

[Y] "Uhh, what?"

[U] "And I left a little gift. 🥰"

I stared at my screen in fear and confusion. Who is this?? What did they take?? What did they leave??

[Y] "Um... Who is this...? I think you have the wrong number..."

[U] "I'm sure you'll be able to guess. I doubt Edd would lie about phone numbers."

[U] "Just use that beautiful brain of yours and figure it out."

'TORD?? How did he get my number? Wait, he said Edd. Did Edd give Tord my number?'

[Y] "Tord? Why did Edd give you my number?"

[U] "Because I found out that he had your number and I wanted it."

I sigh and go to my bag to see what he took and left. I didn't have much of value or anything that he probably would've wanted to take, so I was curious.

Immediately, I noticed a bright red hoodie at the top. 'Ah... So that's what he did...'

I chuckle and take out the hoodie. It was quite big compared to my size but it looked pretty cozy. Since he took my only hoodie, I decided to put on the hoodie.

Afterwards, I grab my phone and save Tord's number into my contacts.

[T - Tord]

[Y] "Wow, thanks for replacing my only hoodie."

[T] "That was your only hoodie?"

[Y] "Yeah, but it's fine. The hoodie you gave me is thicker than the one I had."

[T] "Well, at least I know you're going to be wearing it often. 😉"

I chuckle a bit. It was true, I wear hoodies often, so I will be wearing it a lot.

[T] "By the way, Edd's wondering if you want to go to the arcade with us tomorrow. He had me ask because we're already texting."

[Y] "Oh, well sure. It depends on what time though, I have classes in the morning."

[T] "He's planning on in the afternoon, like around 12:30 or 1 o'clock."

I checked my schedule. I only had two classes tomorrow morning and it looked like they ended before 12.

[Y] "Yeah, alright, I'll be there. My classes end before 12 so I'll be able to make it."

[T] "Great, I'll tell Edd."

Tord and I spent a couple hours texting before I had to go get ready for my afternoon classes.

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❛❛ Not So Perfect ❞ // Tord X Reader ,,Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ