╰┈➤ ❛❛ Chapter Four ❞

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This chapter is a bit of a longer one, so I hope you enjoy. :)

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3rd person POV

જ⁀➴ ♡
The arcade was surprisingly not crowded for it being a Saturday. (Y/N) and the guys looked around at the games, deciding on what to play first.

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I was looking around at the arcade games when I heard Tom and Tord start fighting again. Those guys can't go anywhere without fighting can they...

While they were fighting, I decided to play some coin game with Matt. I wasn't actually playing, just watching him and keeping him company. Matt was happy that I decided to hang with him instead of the other boys.

After a while, we decided to go do something else (mostly because Matt was running out of tokens and we had to get more). We were searching for another game when suddenly, I saw something bright that caught my eye.

"DDR!!" I exclaimed and rushed over to the DDR machine. Of course, Matt followed, seeming how we kind of lost the others.

I look over to Matt. "Play with me?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. He smiles. "Sure!"

Matt and I played DDR for some time until he stopped playing because 'his hair was getting messed up'. It looked completely fine, but it's fine.

We found some arcade game on princesses or something. I didn't catch the name of it, but I didn't recognize the characters or any of the scenes. Must've been a knock off.

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Edd's POV

I sat back and watched Tom and Tord fight, just in case one or both of them start to get violent. I didn't bother mentioning anything about (Y/N) going off with Matt, seeming how they were currently fighting over her. Didn't think either of them would actually fall for a neighbor they just met.

Anyhow, they're getting a little loud, so I think it's about time to shut them up. I get up and go over to them.

"Okay you two, break it up. We came here to have fun, not act like horny middle schoolers who drool over the first hot girl they see." They stared at me.

"Excuse you, I'm not the one who drools over every hot girl. Commie's the one who's trying to hook up with (Y/N)." Tord glares at Tom. "I am not, I'm simply being friendly with her."

Tom 'rolls his eyes'. "Friendly my ass. You two traded hoodies. And don't think I haven't seen you put your arm around her."

"Jesus you guys fight like a married couple who's about to go through a divorce. Can we just calm down already?" They glared at me.

Tom sighs. "Fine, right. I don't think (Y/N) would want to see us fighting..." Tord looked away, saying nothing but I could tell he agrees.

"Well, actually... She's not here right now..." They both snap their head back towards my direction.

"WHAT?" They said at the same time. "She went off with Matt a while ago." I saw Tom calm down, seeming to trust Matt with her. Tord on the other hand, was fuming.

❛❛ Not So Perfect ❞ // Tord X Reader ,,Where stories live. Discover now