➤ chapter 7 : strangers

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"CAN WE REST already?" sokka groans dramatically

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"CAN WE REST already?" sokka groans dramatically. aang and katara look at him and laugh.

"i guess we can set up camp. the sun will be setting soon." katara replies. aang guides appa to land near a creek where they can sleep for the night.

"i agree. appa is tired anyways." aang says. he pets his bison and appa licks his body.

"that's gross." sokka walks up to them as katara grabs her sleeping bag. appa licks sokka and the boy screams. "ewwww!"

"he likes you." aang smiles.

"guys, can you come help? or do i have to do everything?" katara asks and looks at the two boys. aang and sokka hold in their laughs. "good to know." the brunette sighs.

"okay, i'll go get some wood to start a fire." sokka explains as he grabs his boomerang. he wanders into the woods, moving vines and branches out of his way.

he pauses when he comes across a red dress on the forest floor and he crouches to get a better look at it.

he pokes the dress with his boomerang, moving the dress and he sees the fire nation symbol embedded into the fabric.

"alright, who's out here?" sokka calls. he stands up and looks at the sun that is slowly fading and the moon that is coming out. he feels a little paranoid, but he knows he has to collect wood for the fire so he fights the feeling.

he wanders around a little more, growing suspicious of the fact that he can't find any firewood.

leaves brush against his face as small birds fly over his head. he moves the leaves out of his face so he can see and his eyes dart to a girl sitting on the ground.

her jet black hair falls all the way down her back and he sees that she has a pile of wooden logs in front of her.

he thinks about asking her for some wood, but that thought goes away when he sees a flame emerge from her hand. she uses the flame to light fire and fans her hand over the fire to make it bigger.

sokka furrows his eyebrows and clutches his hand on his machete, coming to the conclusion she is a firebender from her clothes and abilities. suddenly, a twig snaps and he looks at his foot to see that he stepped on a stick.

"who's there?" the girl asks, immediately standing up and holding flames in her hands. her hair uncovers her face and sokka feels his features soften. she's beautiful.

"im not going to ask again." she says. sokka watches her eyes dart in every direction until she looks directly at him. their eyes lock but she can't see him when he's covered by leaves.

she looks the other way and he comes from behind the plants. sokka swings his machete towards the girl, but she turns around faster than he can comprehend and swings her heated hand across his face. he feels the heat graze his skin and he jabs his machete, nearly hitting her stomach and she moves out of the way.

he swings his machete again, to which she dodges but she trips over her own feet, falling onto the ground. she quickly gets up, putting her fists together and sending a wave of fire sokka's way.

he steps back and looks up to see she is under a tree with a loose branch. he cuts the branch in a swift motion and the branch falls on the girl with a thud.

sokka catches his breath as he hears the girl softly cough. he moves the branch leaves out of the way and sees the girl on the ground.

his first thought was that she is unconscious, but she begins to sit up. he plants his feet in the ground, prepared to fight. the girl sends ripples of fire across the ground towards sokka as she recovers from the impact of the branch.

she glares at sokka, her red eyes boring into his blue ones. the fast-paced ripples of fire cause him to lose his balance and he falls over.

"you think you can beat me as a non-bender?" she asks, standing up and it is the first time he hears her voice. he feels his back hit a tree and he lets out an annoyed sigh.

"apparently, i did." sokka replies, referring to the branch. the girl throws the branch off her and the ripples of fire cease.

"you made the wrong decision stumbling upon my path." she walks closer to sokka, her fist swallowed in fire.

"actually i think you made the wrong decision stumbling upon my path." sokka holds the sharp side of his machete in front of him. he expects her to deliver fire to his body, but she directs the flame to the tree trunk behind him.

the tree groans loudly as it begins to fall and sokka takes the chance to kick the girl in the stomach. she stumbles but stays on her feet and he delivers a small scratch across her cheek with his machete.

"you asshole! im gonna kill you!" the girl exclaims and sokka swings his leg under hers, a move that leads her to fall flat on her back. before she can sit up, he grabs her wrists with strong hands while he holds his machete in his other hand.

"are you really gonna kill me?" sokka asks.

"yes! yes, i am!" the girl replies and sokka feels her foot hit his back.

"ow. that hurt." he smirks, sarcasm laced in his tone. the girl increases the heat within her body and the heat courses through her veins.

"ow! that actually hurt!" he exclaims when the heat meets his hand. he lets go of her hands and she tightens her legs around his torso, flipping them over.

"who are you?" she asks. she takes her dagger out of its holster and puts it to his neck.

"why should i tell you?" he replies.

"because i can kill you right here! and i don't feel guilty when i kill people." she exclaims.

"wait, i recognize you from somewhere." he begins as he examines her features.

when the northern water tribe got raided, soldiers were asking if they knew who she was. they had a picture of her face and explained that she was the princess who needed to be returned home.

"no. no, you don't." the girl says. sokka throws his legs around her waist, turning them back over.

"yes i do." he responds as he holds her arms in his hand. "you're the fire nation princess."

"im not the fire nation princess!" she shouts. she pulls her leg to her chest and kicks sokka off her. he grabs the blunt side of his machete and it collides with the side of her head.

"sorry." he sighs as he looks at the girl. she falls to the ground and clutches her head. "well, not sorry. you tried to kill me."

"don't send me back there. or i'll really kill you." she says. in her eyes, the world is spinning and she doesn't know if it's her heartbeat or her pulse she can hear in her ears, but it's the last thing she remembers before she loses consciousness.


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