➤ chapter 12 : the heart wants what it wants

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MIIZUMI WATCHES AS the rock behind them crumbles to the ground, locking them in the cave

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MIIZUMI WATCHES AS the rock behind them crumbles to the ground, locking them in the cave. appa began growling loudly and katara soothed him in attempts to calm him down.

"great, now we're trapped." miizumi sighs. "who's idea was it to go in the cave again?" she turns around to everyone else, who all point at different people.

"it's okay, appa. we'll be fine." katara says to the gentle beast.

"we will be fine. all we need is a plan." sokka replies. "chong, how long do those torches last?"

"um, about two hours each." chong answers.

"and we have five torches, so that's ten hours." lily smiles, lighting four more torches.

"it doesnt work like that if they're all lit at the same time!" sokka exclaims as he grabs two torches, throwing them to the ground and stomping on them. miizumi blows out the other two.

"oh, right." lily nods.

"im gonna make a map to keep track of exactly where we've been, then we should be able to solve it like a maze and get through." sokka explains as aang and katara walk over to the group.

miizumi, aang and katara look at each other. none of them say anything as they all follow behind sokka.

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"sokka, this is the tenth dead end you've led us to." katara says.

"this doesn't make any sense. we already came through this way." sokka glares at the map, desperately trying to figure out what to do.

"did you ever consider the fact you're wrong?" miizumi asks.

"we don't need a map, guys. we just need love." chong says. "the little guy knows it." he points to aang.

"yeah, but i wouldn't mind a map also." aang replies.

"there's something strange here. there's only one explanation." sokka says. "the tunnels are changing.

suddenly, a loud noise comes from above their heads and momo grabs onto miizumi's ankle, crawling up her back and taking cover in her hair.

"that must be the fire nation." miizumi looks at the rocks above them.

"the tunnels! they're a-changing!" chong exclaims. "it must be the curse. i knew we shouldn't have come down here!"

"right. if only we'd listened to you." sokka scoffs.

"everyone be quiet. listen." katara says. they fall silent and faint screeching can be heard from in front of them.

sokka points his torch further into the darkness and a wolf bat comes out the dark abyss. miizumi moves out the way, holding onto momo as it flies towards her.

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