➤ chapter 18 : the trial

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"EVERYONE LOVED CHIN the great because he was so great

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"EVERYONE LOVED CHIN the great because he was so great." mayor tom begins. miizumi scoffs as she looks up at the statue of the late leader. "then the avatar showed up and killed him. and that's how it happened."

"the accused will now present its argument." the man standing next to aang pushes him further towards the crowd.

"you can do it, aang." sokka says from next to miizumi. "just remember the evidence."

"right... evidence." aang says. "ladies and gentlemen, im about to tell you what really happened and i will prove it with facts. fact number one..."

"he's screwed." miizumi sighs as she buries her head in her hands and katara puts a hand on her shoulder. "i can't look."

"uh..." aang stammers.

"the footprints." sokka whispers.

"oh, yeah. you see, i have very large feet." aang points to his feet that are very tiny and the jury isn't buying his story.

"furthermore, your temple... matches your statue, but i was in a painting at sunset." he says. "so there you have it. i'm not guilty!" the boy smiles.

sokka shoots aang a thumbs up as katara and miizumi put on their best smiles.

"he's dead." sokka whispers. katara gets up from her seat and walks to where aang is standing.

"mayor tom, i'd like for the court to hear one last testimony." katara announces.

"i've already told you, it's just me and the accused! you can't call any witnesses." mayor tom replies.

"well, that isn't fair at all." miizumi says, causing the mayor and the jury to look at her.

"you dare to speak out against me? this is my town!" mayor tom exclaims and miizumi begins to stand up.

"she didn't mean it, sir. please, continue." sokka sheepishly smiles and pulls miizumi back down by her shoulder. "do i need to put duct tape over your mouth, mii?"

the girl's features soften at the nickname but pretends to be unbothered. "that won't stop me." miizumi rolls her eyes.

"this isn't just any witness, mayor tom." katara calls the attention back to her. "i'm going to call avatar kyoshi herself!"

as whispers emerge from the crowd, aang steps forward in a kyoshi costume.

"what are you doing?" sokka asks as katara returns to her seat.

"well, she is aang's past life. maybe wearing her stuff will trigger something." katara replies.

"i do believe in the power of stuff." sokka sighs as he plays with his monocle.

"this is a mockery of chin law!" mayor tom exclaims.

"please, if you could just wait one more second! i'm sure kyoshi will be here." katara pleads.

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