➤ chapter 23 : embrace

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BLUE FIRE BURNS through the steel handcuffs, melting away the metal

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BLUE FIRE BURNS through the steel handcuffs, melting away the metal. miizumi brings her hands in front of her and watches the rest of the metal pieces fall off her hands. she wipes her tears as she stares at the blue fire in her palms, the heat from the flames warming up her face.

she makes her way to the door as the lock turns from the outside and she opens the door to see nana looking up at her.

"how'd you get out?" nana asks. miizumi walks past the girl and down the hallway of the airship to the controls room. she throws the door open and two men look at her. one of them, the airship's captain reaches for the radio communicator while the other pulls out a sword.

miizumi sends a ball of fire to the captain, causing him to fall to the ground from the impact. as the man swings his sword at her, she moves to the right and barely dodges the sharp blade.

she punches him in his cheek with her arm closest to him, lifting up her leg and kicking him in his chest. he collapses onto the ground and she places a firm foot on his chest as she takes the sword out of his hand.

"where is this airship going?" she asks, pointing the tip of the sword at the captain's neck.

"to-to the fire nation!" the captain stammers.

"well," miizumi's eyes scan over the confusing buttons and screens. "how do i turn it around?" she shoves the sword deeper into his neck.

"use that lever right there! just please don't kill me!" the captain pleads.

"what are you doing?" miizumi turns around when she hears nana's voice.

"i'm sorry, but i have to." miizumi replies.

"no, you don't. you're just like all the other firebenders. you just wanna hurt people." nana exclaims. "just like they hurt my mom!" she cries, running off.

miizumi looks to the green screen in front of her, a yellow dot representing where she was captured at, and a blinking red dot representing the airship to the north of the yellow dot.

she looks to the captain who holds nothing but fear behind his eyes, and then to the unconscious soldier beneath her. "don't try anything." she says and rushes outside the room.

she looks to the exit sign that points to the door that leads outside. she grabs a parachute off the side of the wall, confused as she tries to fasten the backpack on her back.

she turns around to look at the men on the floor and catches nana staring at her.

"i'm sorry. you wouldn't get it." miizumi whispers.

"that's what my dad always says." nana sighs.

"what?" the older girl asks in confusion.

"when they raided our village and killed my mother, my dad started doing illegal things to get money. i told him it's wrong but he said i wouldn't get it." nana explains, her eyes watering with tears.

"believe me, my country might be filled with heartless people, but i'm not one of those people." miizumi says, holding out her hand.

"how can i trust you? you're the daughter of the fire lord." nana grabs the wall and backs away from miizumi. the girl looks away as she feels a lump form in her throat.

"you're all heartless."

miizumi drops the sword and it falls to the ground with a clash in front of nana's feet.

"i know."


"happy birthday, zula." miizumi smiles as she places a small cake in front of her sister. "i made it myself."

"is it edible?" azula asks.

"just eat it!" miizumi replies with a small laugh. she picks up a piece of cake on the fork and practically forces it into azula's mouth. "mmm, see?" she says once she sees azula's face.

"wow, mii. this is actually good." azula nods. "i made you a cake too, but lu ten had to help me because i made a mess. happy birthday." she says, places a plate into miizumi's hands.

"i can't wait to try it." miizumi says, taking a piece on the fork and eating it. "it's red velvet?" she asks through her chewing.

"yes, how'd you know?" azula replies with sarcasm laced in her tone.

"i can taste it! this is my favorite, azula." the younger twin exclaims.

"of course. i'm your older sister. i knew it was your favorite before you even knew what it was called." azula explains.

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miizumi wanders into the earth kingdom town, hearing faint music coming from a bar. she tiredly walks into the bar and squints when the light hits her eyes. there are two other people there besides the bartender, drunk and passed out.

"excuse me?" miizumi asks and the bartender looks at her. she remembers aang saying something about them setting camp south of a town called kouki. "do you know where the town kouki is?" she says.

"this is kouki." the bartender answers. "where are you going? maybe i can help you." he explains, giving miizumi a weird look.

"i'm okay, actually." miizumi replies before walking out of the bar. she flickers a flame within the palm of her hand to use as a flashlight. she finds a small pathway that leads into the forest and the exit of the town.


"what's wrong?" miizumi asks as she looks at katara, sokka, aang and toph huddled together.

"it's freezing!" aang exclaims and miizumi sits down next to sokka, grabbing his hands.

"your hands are freezing." miizumi says.

"yeah, no sh—" sokka begins and katara slaps the back of his head.

"miizumi, can your body generate heat? you know, since you're a firebender and stuff?" katara asks. she grabs miizumi's arm and rests her head on the girl's shoulder.

"i don't know." miizumi says unsurely. sokka rests his head on miizumi's other shoulder, toph laying on miizumi's legs and aang squeezes under miizumi's arm next to katara.

the warm embrace is something the girl isn't used to. having grown up the way she did, a hug was something that she rarely experienced. the last person who ever hugged her was azula. her body's response to the affection provides comfort for the others.

she can feel the heat coursing through her veins, warming up her friends on a cold night. she's completely forgotten what a hug feels like, but she's fell in love with the feeling all over again.

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miizumi can hear appa snoring loudly as she looks at her friends, each sleeping peacefully. her eyes dart to sokka who begins stirring awake at the early morning sun. she goes to sit next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder, sending him back to sleep.

she feels her lips curve into a small smile as she tiredly falls onto the ground, falling to sleep almost instantly. before she is fully asleep, she feels sokka grab her arm, pulling her closer to him, and it feels almost equivalent to a hug.


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