➤ chapter 30 : downfall

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MIIZUMI FOLLOWS BEHIND sokka as he sticks a scroll into his bag

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MIIZUMI FOLLOWS BEHIND sokka as he sticks a scroll into his bag. they approach a glass pedestal where a paper is sealed.

"the darkest day in fire nation history." miizumi reads.

"know what that is?" sokka turns to her and she shakes her head. "well, it's got a date at the top but it doesn't say anything else." he slides his machete under the glass and gently grabs the paper.

sokka and miizumi begin to walk down one of the book aisles until aang, katara and professor zei catch up to them.

"where are you guys going?" aang asks.

"i want to know what happened to the fire nation on their darkest day. this could be promising." sokka replies.

they all rush down the aisles and scan the book sections. "the information on the fire nation should be right up here."

they approach where the bookshelves would be but see noting but ash and dust. miizumi walks further and grabs a few specks of ash, watching the black dust spill from her fingers and to the ground.

"they destroyed every piece of evidence." miizumi sighs.

"that's so unfair!" sokka exclaims. "just when i think i'm one step ahead of the fire nation, it turns out they beat us here a long time ago. i need to know what happened on the darkest day."

miizumi grew up locked inside the palace walls, so she frequently spent the day away by reading, writing and painting. she sometimes went to the palace's library and read history books. she remembers when she first heard of the darkest day in fire nation history.

when she was younger, she assumed it was the day her grandfather, fire lord azulon passed away. ozai took over the throne and his coronation was held the same day.

but knowing her father, he would refuse to have the day of his coronation known as the darkest day in fire nation history.

ever since she first read that history book, that topic of the solar eclipse has always been on her mind. though she doesn't show it, the thought lingers in the back of her mind that one day, for eight whole minutes, she'd lose her ability to firebend due to the moon blocking the sun, if she'll even be alive to see it.

"it's the solar eclipse." miizumi says as they stand in front of the golden tomb. "the darkest day in fire nation history was the day of the solar eclipse." aang turns around and gives her a high five as they walk into the tomb.

"now we just have to know what day it is." sokka replies as he begins to mess with the dials, eventually entering the date he found on the paper he took.

the cut out of the planets each rotate around the planetarium in their orbit. the cut out of the moon comes to a complete stop in front of the sun and the room becomes dimly lit.

"firebenders lose their firebending during a solar eclipse because we get our abilities from the sun. as long as the moon is covering the sun, which was eight minutes last time this happened, we aren't able to bend at all." miizumi explains.

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